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6.5 prc build?

Some of the heavier mono's require a faster twist. The heaviest Hammer Hunter requires a 1/6.5 twist and that will be the only one he can't shoot. I run a 7.5 twist 6.5 PRC with absolutely no issues running the 156, 140's, 144's and130's by Berger and also have no issue running the 131 Hammer Hunter. He's going to be just fine with the 1/7 twist being that he wants to run the 156.
Wouldn't he be limiting himself more on bullet choices with an 8 then?
Not being able to shoot any of the long monos? And I doubt he would be over spinning a 156 or even 147 eld in a 1:7
he would only be limited on heavy mono bullets. if mono are required by law or just personal choice then fast twist is a must but are limited on long range options. if you are planning on long range cup and core bullets then there is no reason to go faster than 1-8 the odds of having issues only goes up with over spinning bullets. with todays markets you dont want to be limited on choices.

i did see where he changed his barrel manufacture choice that will also help with possible problems with cup and core bullets.
my PRC had a 1-7.5 and had nothing but problems with 147 and 153 Hdy and didnt get the accuracy expected with 156s and that was also with a prefit barrel from a different supplier. switched to a 1-8 cut rifle barrel and now have no issues but heavy monos are out
Limited a few but still
Limited. A 1/7 would maybe only limit the use of eld bullets everything else should be fine that a big if. So limited by one bullet as opposed to many. Hammer, matrix, badlands, cutting edge.
actually the trend has been going towards the lighter mono offerings at real high velocity out to 4-500 yds. i also have seen in testing and some reports of poor expansion with the mono at long range 7-1000 yds or beyond when velocities get to low. if building a true long range gun i would leave out heavy for caliber mono bullets unless your required by law they are not quite there yet maybe down the road things will be better. if building for the new long range which is 600 or less BC. really dont matter making heavy monos unnecessary and lighter/ faster will serve you better
I can say I've never had any more issues or maybe even less issues with mono at long range hunting as long as FPS is kept to the min requirement. If long range target cup core hard to beat. But they also have a min FPS which needs to be watched
I run a Barnes 130 TTSX out of my 308 18" bolt gun at about 3075FPS. Good out to about 575-600 still moving 1800 FPS. Kind of irrelevant though to the OP as he plans on running a 156 Berger as stated in the original post.
there is a place for both and in the future they will come up with just the right copper alloy for long range hunting especially in smaller calibers like the 6.5. Now large case capacity 30, 338, or better yet 375 is already here but smaller cases like creedmore, 260, PRC in 6-6.5 just not quite yet
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