6.5 Max 135 SBII Badlands COAL?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
I know a few 6.5 max owners have loaded the 135 SBII bullets. I am trying to find out the COAL to lands so I can work out the action and mag setup. I know it will be real close to the limit on the medium action and mag internal length.

I am wanting to run a MDT Hunter 26 chassis and one of the medium actions with a 22" CF barrel

In my 338 Mega the 250SBII seem to like 0.045-0.070 jump.

Looking at some of the COAL I have seen for the 0.1 ish shorter 156 EOL @ 3.1+ to touch

I am concerned I will either have to run a Tikka T3 action and the mdt 3.5" mag or have to kick the idea of the hunter26 chassis and go to a conventional stock and a Bat Vesper M with UM BDM and their XM 3.5" mags. I really wanted to run the chassis on this as a nice easy to pack and travel with compact rifle.

Standard full length LA can be hit miss with reliably cycling short mags.

My plan is for this to be dedicated to the longer monos BL & Hammer and the 150+ conventionals Berger/Hrdy. With a 22" barrel the goal is a node at 3k for 156 EOL. The 135 I figure around 3150. They will cover all my ranges here and TX for the critters .

I am thinking unless I am off by a tenth I maybe stuck with a tikka action if I want to keep with the MDT chassis.
I assume you're thinking the throat will be longer than the standard reamer or throating separately. I am interested in the 6.5 max wildcatt reamer Rich Sherman designed and where it's standard throat is set for the 156 eol and 135 SBD2. The standard reamer freebore is already likely long enough, maybe too long. So no, not without purchasing another reamer my gunsmithis not going to just be able to set my freebore to where I want it for how I want my loads setup. Further I am dealing with mag and action coal limits. I need the answer prior hence why my question was specific.

I wanted to see where the 135 sbd2 touched on the standard reamer freebore.

No matter I will want the 135 with the bt junc above the case nk/sh junc. I have seen posts that mention 3.1+ for the 156 but I am not sure if that was with jump or touching on a new chamber.

I am trying to get this measurement without waiting for cases and bullets. The point is to know what reciever and stock/chassis/mag combo that will work.

I simply wanted the coal to touching and where it put the bt junc in relation to the case neck seating location.

How they shot and at what jump would also be nice additional info but not my main goal.
I’ll get you what I found, at some point this week when I get back to my notebook.
If I recall correctly the top of the boat tail is exactly half way up the neck, on a 153.5gr hybrid, when engaged. The reamer makes double dog sure no case space is wasted with Berger.👍
At about .030 off, my BTO is 2.372” with a 144LRHT if that helps.
COAL is about 3.058”
Thanks Phil. That actually does help some.

Looking at that vs the berger chart specs on the 156 it would be a tenth longer COAL which fits with what I saw in another post. I was hoping the 156 would measure closer to your 144 LRHT COAL. I think that puts the 135 SBD2 unless it has a much longer bt in the 3.25 range minimum. That would leave no room to chase.

Looks like it's gonna have to be the Tikka T3 which gives me 3.480 inside OAL in the MDT AICS 300wm magazines.

It's that or scrap the chassis and use a Vesper M with UM DBM and mag that allow 3.4" oal and use a conventional stock. I do like the Vesper but they are $$$$$$$ and seem to have gone up.... almost $2k now. But it ends up being a wash overall on the stock vs chassis change cost dif.

I really like the idea if that hnt26 chassis. I even found a kit that will allow bedding the lug front and rear tang of the action in the chassis v block. Making for a much more solid mounting. I am not after ultra light "ready to hunt" 9lb is where I like to be for good driving. I think my 338 Mega is very close to that too.