6.5 Creedmoor or .260 Rem on a long action??

Don't know much about the Creedmoor, but have three rifles chambered in the 260. My first was Jap 7.7 that was my dads I had rebarreled, custom wood stock, and a ton of other work for my granddaughter, for long range target practice. The second was a model 7 I had rebarreled with a 20" Shilen barrel, blue printed and pillar post bedded the stock for my granddaughters deer hunting rifle. I already had a 6.5x284 I had built, but I like those two 260's, I had to build me one also in a Model 700. Now I'm giving strong considerations on building one on the AR frame. So, needless to say, I've become very fond of the 260 and think it's about one of the best mid size rounds available.
either... they both go bang and are usually pretty **** accurate... the creed has all the fans lately, but the 260 can use 308 brass with a simple neck down so you will never really have brass availability trouble. Heck, just put a 264 together if you want a la rifle, then you have more speed too...
In a long action I'd pick a 6.5x284, otherwise take your pick between the 260 rem and 6.5 creed both are great cartridges with fairly similar performance. The 6.5 PRC is another good option to think about as well.
To answer your question, you can us the Wyatt's extended box for the short action Remington .260. I've used the 140 Bergers and 147 ELDM's in mine. Not sure how much longer bullets your looking for, but these work fine in the short action/Wyatt combo.
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