Well-Known Member
I am curious as to what you guys are getting for case life out of your vairous 6.5's?
My 6.5-280 RCBS usually last me about 20 firings before ether my case starts getting tight or my primer pockets fail under normal non-high pressure loads. I figure by then I have gotten my $$$$'s worth out of a case. I have been using Rem .280 cases mainly.
I have thought about using Norma, or Nosler .280 brass, and If I do I might try and get a little more life out of them, but I have yet to get a custom die made. I have been getting by alright without one.
If you are getting 20 firings, you are doing ok! I could probably get that many if I didn't load so hot but I shoot mine at around 3150' most of the time. At that velocity I get 10-12.......Rich