338 RUM, Edge or Lapua?

Its all been said here but if you're building it the weight is u to you in how you put that together. Decide for your self how much f what you shoot you want to load for yourself. If you don't want to load at all go lapua, Load some go rum, reload mostly go edge.
It sounds lame but they're close enough in ballistics that you just have to pick one and put the time on the trigger to get anyone of them to do whatever you need it to.
My 2 cents anyhow
I had two Edges but rebarreled one to 28N. Also have two Lapuas. My vote is for the Edge, simply because you don't need a mag box that protrudes below the stock, which makes carrying it a huge PIA. All three are pretty accurate. As for the Edge vs the RUM, the Edge is simply a necked up 300 RUM, so the fact it is a wildcat (or was) is not really any concern: you don't need to fireform cases - just expand the neck.
I'd go with a RBROS in 338 rum or 338 RBH. Mine is 11lbs 9 oz. hunt ready
Outstanding quality. I'm on the side of shooting a heavier rifle for these bigger pills
The 338 RBH (338 nm improved) is a real powerhouse. I have the ATACR on mine so it's about 9 oz heavier over the NXS
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.338 RUM components are getting harder to come by at least in my experience. Given that 338 Lapua has been used in military roles, it's brass is a lot more common.

I have an A bolt II in 338 RUM. It was for me, not pleasurable to shoot more than 7-10 rounds in an outing. I had an APS 3 port brake installed on it, and I can shoot it all day long without an issue.

I also own a Ruger Precision Magnum in 338 Lapua, and with it being 5lbs heavier than the A-bolt, It's a breeze to shoot. But I'm not sure I'd want to lug that around.
I've been looking into building a long range boomer. I'm pretty much decided on a 338. Will use for deer, elk and Bear. Seems like most RUMs or Edges are in the 10 to 12lb range but looks like most Lapuas are in the 15lb+ range. I want a quality, accurate and shootable rifle with muzzle brake. I'm not that concerned with ammo or component availability because the rifle will probably take a year or more to have built. That said there's a lot of Lapua stuff available now. Would you go with a bigger, heavier Lapua given about the same ballistics performance? What should my minimum weight target be for a Shootable RUM or edge? Thanks for your input?
If you are having it built you can control the final weight. The three choices are all so close it's toe- mate- o / toe-mat-o. I would go with what is more readily available EVERY YEAR.. instead of next year My Weatherby Mark V Tac Mark weights 11.25 lbs...338 Lapua....and that includes the muzzle break 28" barrel.
All Excellent comments above !
Really no bad choice .
I cant remeber all the 338's I have put together/shot .
My 2 cents ... the Rum and the Edge both do the same when built the same . I proved that with two 30" carbon builds ..300 gr bergers at 2884 & 2883 ft.per.sec.
Most have been with Remington actions .
I'm sure a custom action would be nice !
They both just flat shoot when fine tuned .
I have put three in the same hole at 100 yards and 3 in a 26 3/4" group at 3027 yards .
My heavy Edge was 19.6 pounds , next one was 14.6 then I jumped into the Carbons ! Wow ..down to 10.6 pds. Still with a 30 " barrel .
Now I'm shooting a 24" carbon 338 Rum and 250 gr. bergers @ 3000 ft.per.sec.
It comes in at 9.8 pounds .
Remington Stainless action , trigger tech , McMillan Game Hunter Edge fill, Nightforce 20 moa rail , Nightforce light Rings 34mm , Burris Xtr 5 x 25 x 50 and I'm testing a Ti-3 brake right now . Typically I run the T-3 Termanator .
Hopefully I can give some results on this build here in the next few weeks !

Rum Man


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I have a .338 Edge built by Defensive Edge and I wouldn't trade it for anything. One hole rifle. Single digit spread in velocities.
Elk at 900 yds.
With what you are considering, I think that's the best choice. Was for me.
I have a .338 Edge built by Defensive Edge. Wouldn't trade it for anything. One hole at 100 yds. Single digit velocity spread.

Everyone is different but this one works for me. Elk at 900+ yds.
I've been looking into building a long range boomer. I'm pretty much decided on a 338. Will use for deer, elk and Bear. Seems like most RUMs or Edges are in the 10 to 12lb range but looks like most Lapuas are in the 15lb+ range. I want a quality, accurate and shootable rifle with muzzle brake. I'm not that concerned with ammo or component availability because the rifle will probably take a year or more to have built. That said there's a lot of Lapua stuff available now. Would you go with a bigger, heavier Lapua given about the same ballistics performance? What should my minimum weight target be for a Shootable RUM or edge? Thanks for your input?
You might want to also consider a .338/.378 Weatherby. Although that cartridge gets less press, I am thrilled with the performance of the lightly used Weatherby Accumark I picked up. Few custom rifles could beat its performance.
I'm not recoil sensitive but have a 338 run that weighs in at 8.5# scoped… shooting 225grn bullets I have to visit the dentist after each range session. Shootable but not fun. Keep thinking I should rebarrel it but the dam thing shoots… I have a 338norma that weighs in at 10.5# scoped… shooting 300 grain it's better but I still wish I'd built it .5# heavier.
I've been looking into building a long range boomer. I'm pretty much decided on a 338. Will use for deer, elk and Bear. Seems like most RUMs or Edges are in the 10 to 12lb range but looks like most Lapuas are in the 15lb+ range. I want a quality, accurate and shootable rifle with muzzle brake. I'm not that concerned with ammo or component availability because the rifle will probably take a year or more to have built. That said there's a lot of Lapua stuff available now. Would you go with a bigger, heavier Lapua given about the same ballistics performance? What should my minimum weight target be for a Shootable RUM or edge? Thanks for your input?
Maybe not a LR, but my 330 Dakota is a monster round and easy to shoot. I have a Dakota brake and it's pleasurable to shoot. One shot, 1200lb 50" Moose dropped in its tracks a few years back.
A good brake can delete recoil a lot! I have a savage110 stealth in 300wm and 338lm that weighs about the same dry. I expected the 338lm would have much recoil over the 300wm, but it has about the same as a 260rem. For me at least. The brake weighs about 2#, but design is effective! I can shoot 200+ rounds in a day without a sore shoulder.
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