338 RUM, Edge or Lapua?

I was in the same place while back and decided to go 338 RUM. I felt like the Lapua requiring a special action made it not one I wanted. I looked hard at the 338 Edge but found RUM dies and such in stock and cheaper so I went RUM. I am currently waiting on the action but have all the rest ready.

Defiance Anti
Eh-1 with the cheek spacer setup they have.
Preferred carbon barrel
Zeiss conquest V4 6-24.

I will pull it's barrel at times and run it as a 30 Nosler as well.
Mines been in mountains 10 plus years now I use it for all gameMany friends scored with it to 338 NM 7-2 oz 9 3/4 as seen in picture loaded /bipod


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Ive had a lot of good views but no deer,wolf ate em.Went 14m last saturday,didnt cut a track.Where Ive pulled 2 ,200 '' off,sad:mad:
My Edge is a Lone Peak Razor .338, Manners EH1 Hells Canyon 8 twist 29" carbon barrel with a Beast 2 five port brake and was fairly light until I put a 7-35x ATACR and 1 piece mount on it but big braked rifles can destroy scopes and rattle the mounts loose. I run the single feed 275 CEB Lazer at 3,035 fps and it is a tack driver out to 1,450 yards. I let a guy shooting a .243 win shoot it and he said it kicked the same as his Savage Axis, he had never shot past 400 yards and was amazed he had a hit at 1,450 yards. Ten pounds was my target weight for the gun but I decided to go with the NF and a one piece mount after having scope and mount issues on braked .338's. If you didn't see the thread "Light rifles, big cartridges, and scope mounts - learned my lesson, now it's time to pass it on" it may be worth a read. Make sure your mounts are solid as big brakes will rattle them with their counter acting forces.

My Edge is a Lone Peak Razor .338, Manners EH1 Hells Canyon 8 twist 29" carbon barrel with a Beast 2 five port brake and was fairly light until I put a 7-35x ATACR and 1 piece mount on it but big braked rifles can destroy scopes and rattle the mounts loose. I run the single feed 275 CEB Lazer at 3,035 fps and it is a tack driver out to 1,450 yards. I let a guy shooting a .243 win shoot it and he said it kicked the same as his Savage Axis, he had never shot past 400 yards and was amazed he had a hit at 1,450 yards. Ten pounds was my target weight for the gun but I decided to go with the NF and a one piece mount after having scope and mount issues on braked .338's. If you didn't see the thread "Light rifles, big cartridges, and scope mounts - learned my lesson, now it's time to pass it on" it may be worth a read. Make sure your mounts are solid as big brakes will rattle them with their counter acting forces.

Thanks! Good input.
I have a Fierce Firearms carbon fiber in 338 lapua. 6.5# I think?? You probably dont want to go that light lol. Just sayin;)

I'd shoot (pun intended) for 8-9lbs and quality scope would add a few oz...
I'm running a 9 lb scoped 338 RUM...easy to shoot and off a bench I consistently shoot 1/4 MOA or better. Bare rifle only is just a hair under 7.5 lb and I feel like setting 7 lb minimum weight would be good. I am shooting 260 HH at 3065 fps...

I don't think you can go wrong with any of the options, but I love my RUM.
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