338 RUM or Edge?

Lots of great advice. Having had both, I still can't sway one way or another. When I was in the edge game there were very few products, dies, brass etc, but now it seems plentiful. But the 50-100fps gain would probably make my more mature brain lean toward the rum, 5 years ago I would have said edge all the way:)
I have both a RUM and an Edge, I shoot the 300 otm with the edge and single feed it, and it is a 30 inch beast ,,my RUM is on a 26.5 inch Rem varmint contour with a 4 port brake I made. It shoots the 250 at around 3.850 coal so it is a repeater but I have an extended box in it, It runs the 250 right at 3050 very comfy and it KILLS :) I have a .125 fb 33 nosler reamer that I have chambered one rifle in and it shoots the 250 2900 fps with rl 22 , If he were to try 25 or h1000 it would pick up some. I seem to be toting my RUM more these days. I had it this mornin in a shoothouse :). I dont have any dangerous game here so I single feed every rifle I use. I started doing that when My sons started hunting with me for safety reasons and just grew accustomed to it. when we use the Edge we usually drive right up the the house we are sitting in and set it out on a sniper pad and step out to it when we get ready the RUM I built to carry, I built the edge heavy, pic of my then 14 year old son fixin to air one out
It's too bad you already have the action, you can run a 338 Norma in a factory (3.7") mag box as a repeater with the 300 grain Bergers at 2750 or more.
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