338/375 ruger finished

Wildrose, sorry I was not clear, New Development, Hornady has decided to market it's own version of the 300-375 Ruger, they call it 300 PRC this will go along with it's 6.5 PRC in the PRC Line of Cartridges. It's not in Stores yet, but apparently has been used in Long Range Comp's for several Months. Not to be confused with the 300 Ruger Compact Magnum which is a Half an inch Shorter than the 300 PRC. We only have some small tidbits of information so far but the 300 PRC is SAAMI approved, check out the searches for more info.
Yep, I've been keeping up with it myself. Knowing Hornady they'll hold off on it until they are ready to hit the market all at once with factory ammo, brass, dies, the whole nine yards.

I'm not in a huge rush of course and I imagine that if I'll be patient for a year I'll find a fairly inexpensive way to get there.

I do appreciate the help guys and I'm sorry for derailing the thread, that wasn't my intent.
Rifle got an upgrade today. Manners T2
View attachment 115061 View attachment 115060 Little update on this build. Found a better load with h1000 having less pressure and better accuracy.
Considering the results you're getting with the powders you've used so far I'd say take a look at RL 26 and particularly RL33.

It looks like you're well on the way though to having a whole lot of fun.
I don't know if I could get enough re33 in there. I get a slight crunch with h1000. Still room in the case but a few crenels crunch. For the record my chamber is .025" deeper than specs. I can fire form the 8x68 brass with out trimming.
Nice rifle. looks like it bangs the hell out of your steel with those holes!!
I never played with H1000, maybe I need to dig some out to try. It seems to be working great for you.
Nice rifle. looks like it bangs the hell out of your steel with those holes!!
that plate has taught me long range shooting. It had literally 1000's of rounds on it. After a bit it gets bowl shaped and I flip it over and pound it back the other way one round at a time. Need to push it out farther though cause the 338 just punches threw. When my load was 2990 it just left craters but over 3000 you get holes.
I'm very happy with h1000. Wish I could trade the h4350 I got for h1000

You just need to build another gun to use up the H4350!

I think cutting the chamber a little deeper made just enough of a difference to get you to that next step up in case capacity. Now you're right between the 340 Weatherby and 338 RUM. Now I need to try a little H1000 in mine.

RL26 might give extra MV. But you're doing great with the H1000.

As a curiosity, anyone else reading this thread tried RL26 in a 338/375 Ruger. Standard version or an Improved version? If so, MV's?
I'm very happy with h1000. Wish I could trade the h4350 I got for h1000
Get someone to run the numbers for you in Quickload for RL 19 and RL 23.

I was surprised to find out that in the .375 Ruger I could not use the slower burning powders that I can in the 6.5LRM without hitting pressure long before best velocities for accuracy.

I suspect you might get even better results going to faster burning powders.

Good to see your project progressing.
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