33 Nosler testing

I would disagree about the Nosler cases. I went with the 33 Nosler because of the case size, it's perfect for hunting, and its shorter case allows for plenty of room for high bc bullets. How much energy do you need to 1000 yards? A 250 gr .6+ g1 bc bullet going 2900 fps will get it done in any reasonable length hunting scenario.
I once said the 33 Nosler is the 6.5 cm of 33 calibers, change my mind?
It's set up well for heavy for caliber bullets, not super fast but decent ballisticly, with just enough energy for long range. I wanted a 33 caliber that wouldn't kill on both ends, good to intermediate ranges, so am going to shoot a 160 ttsx with H4831sc, maybe try H4350 or RL16 as well, at about 2900-3000 fps, to kept the recoil down. But probably try some 250 grain .6+ g1 bc bullets as well. I got everything but the barrel.
Pic is a 300 wm next to a 33 Nosler case. I don't get why you knock the case when it's perfect for a standard mag LA magazine, with a good shoulder angle, and neck length. Yeah it's not the fastest but it ain't bad.
Ballisticly look at a 27 nosler with a 150 gr SBD2, pretty good, 28 Nosler aint bad. I just can't afford more Nosler cartridges or I'd own them. I might own a 27 nosler if they don't come out with anymore 270 wsm brass.
Let's not get crossed up here, please!
Thanks to OP for pointing out what I posted. "Seems the short mag length of the nosler rifles crippled the whole line up". I'm about $7 grand deep into a custom 33 nosler rifle with a gracious 3.8"+ mag length because I see the same attributes you describe. Again, Nosler put the novel 33Nosler (and the 30 as well) on a leash with their rifle's short box length!
Lefty, I appreciate and look forward to more of your data as it comes together! Not a lot of real world information on this cartridge! I have some work to do!
After seeing where I thought I should focus a fine powder charge test I loaded up 8 rounds. Starting charge (H4831sc) was 79.7 grains up to 81.8 grains in .3 grain increments with the 250 SMK. Speeds as follows:

2925 some stiffness lifting bolt and click

I fired these at steel since conditions sucked with rain and some wind so i didn't want to set out paper and walk through the muddy farm field. Still ended up with 6 for 8 on steel at 815 yards. Next time out I hope to be able to shoot a group on paper. I'll be loading 5 rounds at 80.4 grains since there was only a 4fps spread between 80.3 and 80.6 grains.
It is your rifle and your health Idaho Trecker but seeing no one else is saying it, I will:

All your load data you just listed, (79.7 -81.8) is well above listed loads by Nosler and Hodgdon! Nosler's max load is 76 and Hodgdon's is 75.4 for a 250 gr bullet.

2900 fps with this size cartridge is pretty much duplicating the performance of the much larger case, the 338 Lapua.

Have you put a strain gauge on your rifle to know the pressure you are running?
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Nosler is normally quite conservative/ low end on their loads, especially when you compare some calibers to the Hornady manual. Just my observation, but a person should always proceed with caution. Thank all of you guys for your testing and opinions, all have value to me. 👍🤝🍺🍺🇺🇸💪
Great info op.
Coincidentally, I'm building a nearly identical rifle with the same stock, barrel profile, brake and scope. I just sent a 9.3 twist Bart and a 5 port Ti brake to the smith and he has my An-Ti action.

I shopped the 33 nosler after having a 30 and loving it. I ended up with a 338 RUM since my Smith didn't have a 33 nos reamer and a if I did the 33 it would have been on a custom throated reamer adding greatly to the time. Therefore I went with the RUM. Performance should be similar.

Gray bush said it well. The 30 and 33 nosler case is about ideal in capacity for a hunting rig.There's so many high bc 250 grain 33s out there. Once you get them rolling at elk altitude they maintain speed forever.
Reemty J,

I get it that load data from bullet manufacturers can be a bit conservative. Appreciate this comment from you: "but a person should always proceed with caution."

If the case capacity of a given cartridge is considered, you can get similar performance with different cases IF the capacity is close as with the 33 Nosler and the 340 Weatherby.

Have to disagree with you, Reemty, this is not true with the 33 Nosler and a 338 RUM 81.4 vs 99.1 case capacity, respectively, according to Nosler when using 250 gr bullets seated per SAMMI. These cases will not produce similar performance. Just like engines there is no substitute for cubic inches.

I think CAUTION and your results may vary should be said often. I often mention this when I share information> Also say the reamer is not a SAMMI or a barrel is quite worn which would reduce pressures due to more freebore than a newer barrel.

This site is among the best for sharing information. Hope my comments are not out of line.
It is your rifle and your health Idaho Trecker but seeing no one else is saying it, I will:

All your load data you just listed, (79.7 -81.8) is well above listed loads by Nosler and Hodgdon! Nosler's max load is 76 and Hodgdon's is 75.4 for a 250 gr bullet.

2900 fps with this size cartridge is pretty much duplicating the performance of the much larger case, the 338 Lapua.

Have you put a strain gauge on your rifle to know the pressure you are running?

Thanks for your concern. I stopped when I saw/felt pressure signs like I do with any other cartridge. I guess I will start preface any data I collect with MY rifle more often. It's sad that it has to be said constantly but as you said it's the internet.

Yes it is above book listing but as stated they are very conservative and run at Sammi length. Also, their 250 grain bullets have VERY long bearing surfaces that will slow them down and see pressure sooner. The nosler loads are all based on the super short Sammi spec with their long bearing surfaced bullets taking up a lot of case volume and building pressure sooner.

No I do not have a strain gauge. Do you have one? Recommendations on one?

I had this throated long. My dummy round was set with the boattail 050" above the neck/shoulder junction of the case. The 250 smk has a very short bearing surface. In my testing I've done I've seen between 60-90 fps more (same charge) just with having a bullets seated .100" or deeper vs 020" off the lands. This is a brux and in my experience they seem to run a little faster than most others. All the little additions from the reamer to the barrel to seating depth and bearing surface length add up to where I'd expect it to be.
Idaho......Now that is much better! Spec differences add up and IMO should be mentioned, which you just did. Thanks. I had read the whole thread and now the specifics are mentioned which should help anyone wanting to load for their 33 Nosler.
Great respectful discussion, well done. I have a Nosler long range rifle, I wish I would have done the 33 Nosler on a Remington action/ magazine as I could seat bullets a lot farther out, Nosler rifles are limited in that ability. Any of you need 33 Nosler brass or bullets I have a fair amount of selection, private message me
Wow! It's been a long while since I've updated this!!! Since my last post I have tried the 250 grain McGuire Copper Rose, finalized a 250 grain SMK load with H4831, had that load fall apart, moved on to N555, and now back to a 250 Berger OTM. I think I'm close to 500 rounds on the barrel now and still shooting amazing. Guess I'll start in order...

The 80.4 grains of H4831sc with the 250 smk was amazingly consistent for accuracy and speed. I ran all of my 1.5 pounds of my old lot out for trigger time and grins.

Next I tested the 250 McGuire Copper Rose with Rl 26. Here is my pressure test with the bullets .015" off lands and COAL 3.745" CCI 250.

640 yards

78 2840
78 2845
79 2870
80 2906
81 2983 Hard click and extractor mark

These shot pretty decent for me and from my testing the bc was close to a 250 Berger. I may go back to these some day or more than likely his 225 grain Copper Rose. They look really mean seated properly in this case. This is another example of having the chamber throated for the 270 eldx with bt about 050" above neck/shoulder junction sets perfect for the 250 and smaller mono's also.

After finishing up shooting all the McGuire's I went back to the 250 smk for fun. Good thing I decided to only load 3 rounds with the new lot of powder because it was WAY different!!! This load had extractor marks and heavy bolt lift and I only shot 2 of them. The powder lots were probably made 15 years apart. The new lot was clocking almost 50 fps faster than the old lot. I thought I could simply reduce the charge and get close to the same speed for the same accuracy as before but was proven wrong with that. With the possibility of doing an early cow elk hunt in august I decided to completely move on from there.

I'm now running the 250 Berger OTM with N555 and CCI 250 with a .3moa average of all my shooting with my final load. Here was my pressure test. These were seated .060" off the lands and accuracy was pretty good at 590 yards but didnt hold up when I did the next outing to test the load I chose at 77.5 grains for 2840 fps.

76 2794
77 2830
78 2842
79 2892

340 yards double checking seating depth

As any of you that shoot the 250 berger know they have a very short bearing surface and with my long throat I decided to see how they shot with the .060" jump. I was somewhat concerned to try them at 015" off with not having much bearing surface in the neck of the case. I loaded up 2 at .120" off and 2 at .015" off which was shot at 340 yards. The .120" off was terrible while the .015" off was under .5moa. This surprised me since I don't have a lot of experience with having such a small amount of bearing surface in the neck. This load has been amazingly consistent through 30 degree temp swing and I probably have 20 rounds with this load by the Garmin with an ES of 15 fps or less!! This morning I went to sight in at 200 yards and got this

After that I moved to my steel at 840 yards for 2 more shots and feel like this is some of the best shooting I've done. Wish I would have loaded up some more of these to take this morning. I'll be testing the 250 Elite Hunter and hoping the same load transfers over as well.

Just because it was a nice picture to end an evening shoot one night
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I have only fired the 26, 30, and 458. I have a bunch of 225AB factory ammo as well as a bunch of hand loads for the 33, but I have never fired the thing.
