.308 Best Rounds

Until two years ago I used SMKs. Started shooting ELDMs in my .260 and they worked great so added those to the .30 lineup and slowly converting everything to them. I also spun up some VMAX in the .308 for a varmit hunting competition and used them on hogs with tremendous results, I've had them loaded for deer this year but so far the children have been shooting all the deer. First world problems :cool:
125 grain Sierra Pro Hunters or Ballistic Tips are awesome to 400 with the 308 and 30-06. I load them for a friends whole deer camp of 9 guys. They have been shooting 10 to 30 deer a year with them from 5 to 400 yards for the past 15 years. They have not lost a deer, and at first couldn't believe how fast they expire. Broadsides still usually exit and anything angled is almost always bang and down.
Hand loads yes. Tac and Varget are both great with the 125s as well as BlC2. I ran BlC2 for a while when could not get the other two. WLR primers and W-W cases. There are actually 3 BAR Mark IIs in that group that are particular to the TAC load, but were still ok with BlC2. The 30-06s run H414 with WLR primers.
I have shot around 7 or 8 whitetails with them the past 4 years ranging from 20 yards to 260 yards, and everyone of them have been pass throughs and none went further than 40 yards. If they dont drop on the spot they leave a pretty massive blood trail.

Ballistic Tips got a bad reputation years ago because they would tend to explode a bit. Over the past 10-15 years Nosler has been using a thicker jacket on them and they hold up really well. For whitetails I personally prefer them to accubonds.
My 1st experience with a .308 150 grain Ballistic Tip was an immediate dead deer! Never took a step and heart / front half of lungs were mush. Distance was about 125 yards
125gr nosler ballistic tips over 44gr of IMR4064 works great on whitetails. Exit wounds are often amazing. Blood trails easy to follow if they go anywhere at all. For whitetail I like light for caliber in 308. 130tsx is a winner too

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