300AX 181gr Hammer Hunter

Not to hijack this post, but my mountain goat moved a total of 5 yards and dropped after being hit with your 213 gr bullet. All my guide kept telling me was how tough the goats were and how they suck up lead like they haven't been hit. But, not in my case. Both front shoulders were broken and the vitals were jello. Hammer Bullets are the real deal.
Well good thing those Hammers aren't made of lead!:D
Yep I keep hearing that you shouldn't shoot a Audad with a 6.5 creed. To bad that's what I'm using next month for mine. Lol last year the manager kept telling us how tough everything was and I really needed to switch to Barnes. Lol I was rocking the cutting edge raptors at the time. Hammers have since replaced them.
I swear Audad killler and I are somehow related? We both seem to have the exact same taste in rifles and bullets. He just has a much better playground than I do.
I've killed 3 with my 6.5, my cousin has killed two that were over 300lbs...305 and 325. DRT and the big one's rear end dropped but was still up...ish we did a follow up but it probably wasn't needed. I shoot the ELD-X out of mine at roughy 2680fps.

Aoudad are tough. They're part of what gave existence to my 300AX. Anyways I've seen them wear a shot from 338LM and get dropped by 6.5 creed....just the way it goes sometimes. They do have a much stronger will to live that deer do.
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Yep never can tell what they will do. Just the other night I shot a deer with my 300blk. I've taken well over 50 deer and at least 150 hogs with it. I hit the deer right behind the shoulder and it jumped up about five feet hit the ground spun and took off. Raining so hard not sure if I could have seen blood if it was heavy or whether it just didn't bleed. Looked for an entire day for that dang thing.
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