300AX 181gr Hammer Hunter

Just shooting 25 yards checking velocity. I'm going to load up 108-109 and see what they do for accuracy. Its not the 3550 I wanted but 3480-3520 isn't bad at all! I'm sure a 28" would have got me there 30" for sure.
I'm digging the hammers also. Got them for my 6.5 creed and Grendel.
Gonna do the 180gr sledge hammer I'm my .338 lapua improved. May even do them in my 300 win mag.

What's up buddy, been a while since I've seen one of your comments! I'm looking at the 236gr HH for 338LM to hopefully take some of the kick out of it. That's another thing even with these full house loads my 300 kicks even less than before!
Busted a big cow elk a couple weeks back with the 236 out of my .338 RUM, pretty happy with the performance.
2900 FPS, verified out to 800 yards.
Not very fast, at least probably not as fast as I could run them. This was the most accurate load in my rifle (and with 8133), gonna try to get better speed with RL-26.
Ya I had a busy year hence not being able to get much shooting done. I did sneak one hunt in off a charity auction. Was able to bag a nine point doe and two normal doe with my 300blk and the 100gr raptor.
3400fps has to be really nice. Very flat and hit like a truck. That's why I'm going so light on my .338 improved with the sledge hammer. It's a factory savage barrel so not very long so I'm hoping to get decent speed stay pretty flat to 500. That will cover my Michigan shots.
Any load data for the Hammer 124 gr, 8 twist ?
What cartridge? If you look at Nosler data for like weight bullets it will give you a good start point. Our bullets will show a bit lower pressure so often the faster powders make a great choice. Look for a powder that does not show compressed.

Yes mine is an 8 twist. And as steve said something not compressed. I'm using varget. I ha e yet to finish my ladder. But started at the same spot listed for the nosler 120 mono and working my way up. I ran out my first ladder and had no signs of pressure at all. So built another one starting at that point but ran out of preped brass. I'll see where this puts me for pressure. But that has to wait till after. Hunting now.
Ya I had a busy year hence not being able to get much shooting done. I did sneak one hunt in off a charity auction. Was able to bag a nine point doe and two normal doe with my 300blk and the 100gr raptor.
3400fps has to be really nice. Very flat and hit like a truck. That's why I'm going so light on my .338 improved with the sledge hammer. It's a factory savage barrel so not very long so I'm hoping to get decent speed stay pretty flat to 500. That will cover my Michigan shots.

Look at the 213 gr Hunter bullet. I've been using it in my 338 Lapua. Excellent accuracy and getting 3205 fps with an ES of 5. I could run it faster, but it's so darn accurate and stable at that speed, I really don't see any benefit trying to get more out of it. It made short work of a Kodiak Island mountain goat in October.
If you're in Michigan, you're probably in a deer blind right now since it's openning day of rifle season. I hunted in a cedar swamp in the Hubbard Lake area for years......sad I'm not there right now with all my old friends. We never had a shot longer than 200 yards
Thought I had something at 106.5 turns out not the case. 106.5-107.5 shot and 1-1.5moa then 108gr stepped up and did 1/3 moa. Average velocity is 3490fps and 4920ftlbs. Right on par for energy as my 200gr accubond load and 150fps faster!

Lighter, faster, sleeker!
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