300 win mag brass differences

once the flame is adjusted to its set point, the case neck exposure time in the flame should be very similar. Less than one second variation, in my opinion.

Yes exactly. 6-12 is a ballpark range for my basic Coleman fuel torch on medium and it's given as a reference range. It's enough time for me to be able to see the change. 6-7 seconds for .223 class, up to 12 for 300win mag class cases. At least that's been my successful experience. I included a pic in the last response of a 257 bob case annealed on left next to non/annealed on right. I included a pic of my socket heat sink that helps keep the case body/heads from heating also. It works pretty slick.

Oops forgot the annealing socket pic. Here it is.


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Back to the regular scheduled program lol... I have been using Hornady 300 win mag brass and have found it to be pretty good, have 4 firings on one set and primer pockets are still tight(going to anneal before the fifth reload) The cases don't take much sorting and the flash holes are pretty clean. I Can't find any other manufacturer where I am at so it has to work for me.
Well I was able to get 250 Hornady so I went with it. Should be a good start. Now for the prep work
True. Gotta use what you can get of course. I probably could have waited to find some Winchester or whatever else I wanted, but u have kind of a systematic budget I am on here and the next step was the brass. I think this will work pretty good. I can use a couple to play with for annealing and make a cartridge for my oal indicator. Should work out alright
The .375 Ruger Hornady brass I'm using is pretty decent quality brass. Quite uniform in size and weight and the primer pockets seem to have good strength.
I just got ahold of some of the Bertram 300 WM brass and have been testing it the last few days. It weighs and has very close to the same case volume as RWS. The Bertram like RWS, will require a few grains less than WW , Lapua or RP to get the same pressure. In my opinion comparing the Bertram brass to RWS I would prefer the Bertram. Bertram runs a little larger flash hole and case to case weights run a little close than WW , RP or some others. Since I don't weight sort brass this could be of some value. It is heavy tough brass like RWS , but I actually will personally rate it an bit higher in quality right out of the box. Priming with a hand primer tool gives the feel of every primer going in with equally smooth pressure right to the bottom of the cup. This reminds me of how my Lapua 300 win brass takes a primer.

If anyone wants some of it contact me myself. I and a friend bought a bunch of it and could sell some if anyone wants it.

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I wish Vegas would have had a line on that one Broz b3 cause I could have been rich. For some reason I thought that was going to be what you were playing with. Glad to hear it is good stuff. I think they make some descent Edge stuff too if I remember correctly.
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