300 win mag brass differences


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
As I search for some brass for my 7/300 win build, I am trying to make sense off all the brands. Where does Hornady rank on the list? It seems Hornady is about the easiest to find. Is it as good as Winchester or Remington? I have heard that RWS is good heavy stuff that lasts longer. I am probably most interested in how the primer pockets hold up in all these brands I guess. I have done many searches but still would like some more opinion. Sounds like Remington is the only one that is maybe "not as good" so to speak. Just want to hear your thoughts.

Gun will be a hunting rifle pushing the 195 Bergers. In the past I generally have found my most accurate hottest load and then backed off a half grain in case you are wondering how hard I tend to push. Thank you for your thoughts
In my opinion, Winchester brass is the worst and I won't buy it anymore. I have had it split necks in my 7mm on the first firing on numerous pieces. I shoot the Remington in my 300wm and have five loads on some pieces and they are holding up fine; Remington has been my favorite in the 300wm. Federal has also done OK but tends to be a little soft. I haven't used Hornady but I would think it is good brass. If you can find it, I would buy it. Don't forget another election year is coming up and things will get scarce again...
I use Win brass almost exclusively on all of my three .300 Win Mags without any problems.

The vast majority of my rifles including 300wm are loaded in Winchester brass, which is on it's 8th loading. Except 6.5 284 and 6mm br is loaded in Lapua.
I use WW with good results. But, I will be testing some new brass in the 7-300 with 195's in the next few days. You might want to wait before you purchase. And yes I know where you could get some if it stands the test. That's all I have for now.

I'm using Winchester in my new 7mm-300wm. It's a benchmark tube 8.5 twist. I tried some rem once fired that chambered a lil' sticky but the new winny goes in smooth. I'm only about 35 rds into it but using the Rcbs 300wm gold medal match FL bushing with stepping down .329, .325, and .315-313. ( I think I'll skip the .315). This puts an acceptable amount of neck tension on the 180 bergers I have been using for my .317 neck chamber. The winny necks aren't the straightest in the world but in the First few groups without sorting, trimming, deburring flash holes have been 1/2 minute. So for me I think the winchester will work. As advised by BROZ I may try to get some RWS and see how my 'no turn' neck likes it. Also use a touch less powder in the RWS for same velocity/pressure. Keep me in the loop on the 195 bergers. I need to get on some.
Excellent. I'm always interested in the work you and some other guys do on this site. What's more is that you report on your findings and provide the rest of us with a much appreciated wealth of knowledge to draw from.
I think for my purposes, other than the softer basses like Nosler and Federal, I could probably get away with about any of the brands. Would just have to probably do a little more prep depending on the brand.
I'm partial to Norma brass. I originally tried it because is felt the quality of Winchester brass had slipped....when I was lucky enough to find it. I have found that the Norma has about 2.25gr more case capacity over the Winchester brass, primer pockets that stay tight for 10+ reloads, and overall, more nicely finished. Dimensionally, it is slightly larger then the Winchester brass requiring a larger neck busing to achieve the same seating pressure using Berger 210/215's. It does cost more then the Winchester brass, but I get a larger number of reloads that helps offset the cost. Accuracy and ES are comparable between the two, but I get 30-40 FPS higher velocity with Norma in my Rem 700 Milspec.
Jeff, just wondering. Knowing what you know now would you still chamber for the 7MM/300 or would chamber for one of the new 7MM in LRM or Nosler. I'm asking cause that's what I'm wondering about.
Jeff, just wondering. Knowing what you know now would you still chamber for the 7MM/300 or would chamber for one of the new 7MM in LRM or Nosler. I'm asking cause that's what I'm wondering about.

The success, accuracy, velocity, throat life, and easy of doing a 7-300 win mag keeps me very happy. All I have to do is change a bushing in my 300 win Redding dies and I have 7mm-300 win dies. Brass availability and number of choices are among the best of anything.

I have no desire to move from the 7-300 for my needs.

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