Sounds like you hunt mainly whitetails and an off season coyote or two as opportunities present themselves. From what I understand the hunting in your part of the country is mainly from treestands at close quarters.
If you intend to use your rifle mainly in MN and longest shot is less than 300 yds, that narrows things down a lot.
So, given that you are interested in a coyote load for this rifle, and hopefully you understand that the fir market is non-existent these days, we can offer you a little advise.
You have several options, if you want to combine loads, one for both deer and coyotes, I would try a 180gr Nosler Accubond or some other "bonded" bullet. Site the rifle for 2" high at 100 yds and most likely you will be about 2" low at 300 yds.
One load I found that shot REALLY WELL in my 300 RUM was with a 150gr Hornady Spire Point. Recoil is low because I do not soup it up. I use this load for 1st firing brass prior to processing (turning necks, trimming to length, primer pockets, and annealing). If memory serves me I just used a very moderate load of H4831 with CCI-250 primers.
I think a more appropriate load/cartridge would be any of the 308 based cartridges, 243, 260, 7mm-08, or 308. If coyotes are the main focus, go with a 75 to 85 gr load in a 243 (switching to a 100gr load for deer).
For me, I have a few different choices in rifles and I would only shoot a coyote with a 300 RUM if it was the only thing I had available and the coyote was going after a calf or other domestic or livestock.
Given the brushy area you are in, have you considered a good turkey load in a 3 or 3.5 inch 12ga? Using a shotgun & load like that, you might gain access to land where a 300 Mag would be shunned.