Sorry for not replying back about your question, but I didn't see it until now!
OBT=Optimal Barrel Time. Basically it's the harmonics of the barrel, and having the bullet leave the muzzle of the barrel while the harmonic wave is at the back of the barrel at the action. Most people are using Quick Load looking for the B-time that relates to the OBT which is based on barrel length, and the node(s) for that barrel length.
I've always been old school looking for the velocity to flatten even with increases in powder charges, and the POI remaining the same as well. Most of the work I've done I later went back to see how what I ended up with for a load correlated to the OBT B-time(s) from QL. I don't have the program so I usually asked someone else for that date after supplying them with the COAL, and the water capacity of the case used.
I later learned just how close I was to this theory that is now more accessible using QL.
Good luck.