300 Grain Bergers

Its been a week or so since anybody posted any results of their shooting so how is it going with the load work ups. Post some pics of your results. Thanks
Its been a week or so since anybody posted any results of their shooting so how is it going with the load work ups. Post some pics of your results. Thanks

My latest, shot last ight.

They shoot very tight. Load development was easy, and they are consistant.

Thank you Berger!


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No, Those 3 are the only three I have sent past 1000. A soon as I get some other things worked out with my pda and velocities. I will be.

You are shooting like a man on fire............well done.

As you seem to have the elevation worked out at that range, what velocity did you need to input for the hit and what was your dial up details into the PDA?

Interested to see if the G1 or G7 BC is the better and closer to the mark.
You are shooting like a man on fire............well done.

As you seem to have the elevation worked out at that range, what velocity did you need to input for the hit and what was your dial up details into the PDA?

Interested to see if the G1 or G7 BC is the better and closer to the mark.

I will know more tomorrow (weather permitting) I am planing to chrono and do a test on the actual amount of elevation I get every 10 moa. For now the calculation from LB was right on using 2740 MV and a G7 BC of .455.

More when I get more things documented.

I shot a few 100 yard groups with them today. My load was 93 grains H1000. .040" off the lands. I have an Edge with a 30" Broughton 5c 9.3 twist. Groups were 3/8". Velocity was 2915. I didn't get any extractor marks. I was getting 2875 with sierra's.

Has anyone who has shot them out to 1000 noticed what the spin drift is like with them? With the 300 gr. Sierra's I didn't notice any. With the 7mm 180 Berger I am getting 1 MOA drift at 1000. I'm hoping there isn't much.
I shot a few 100 yard groups with them today. My load was 93 grains H1000. .040" off the lands. I have an Edge with a 30" Broughton 5c 9.3 twist. Groups were 3/8". Velocity was 2915. I didn't get any extractor marks. I was getting 2875 with sierra's.

Has anyone who has shot them out to 1000 noticed what the spin drift is like with them? With the 300 gr. Sierra's I didn't notice any. With the 7mm 180 Berger I am getting 1 MOA drift at 1000. I'm hoping there isn't much.

Sounds like 93g H1000 was your 300SMK load as well, right?
Thanks. That's a little stouter load than many are using to begin with. Do you think the 5c is what is letting you do that?

It may be. I have heard that these barrels shoot a little faster. With the 300 SMK I get the best accuracy with 92 and 93 grain loads. With 94 grains I had extractor marks and the bolt was a little sticky and not as accurate.

My friend and I both built the same gun and his barrel is alot faster than mine. About 50 FPS faster. Now when I call out the dope for a shot, he is always about .25 moa too high.

I loaded more Bergers last night to test on the 1000 yard range and will report what I find out.
Just got back from the 1000 yard range. Tested the 300 gr Bergers. I shot a few groups in the 5 inch range which isn't bad but I was shooting 3 inch groups with the Sierras last time I went.

I use the NF program and I put in the velocity banded G1 BC's. I was unable to get the predicted come up and the actual to match up. They shot .75 MOA low at 1000 compared to what NF said. When I use the SMK's, they are right on the money with NF. I put my info into the Berger ballistic program when I got home and used the G7 BC. It also had the bullet shooting low by the same amount.
I chronoed every shot and they averaged 2900 fps. I know chronos are not always accurate so there can be a margin of error.

I'm sure I could get everything to work if I played around with different velocities and I probably will, but for right now I will stick with SMK's for the coming hunts.
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