30-30 Long Range Challenge

Range Attempt #2 to get sub MOA at 100yds has failed! Having fun though. going to strip barrel clean and start with a non-round nose bullet and single load.

Anyone else noticed:

1. There aren't many folks accurizing lever guns?

2. The standard forum "experts" haven't weighed in yet!
Range Attempt #2 to get sub MOA at 100yds has failed! Having fun though. going to strip barrel clean and start with a non-round nose bullet and single load.

Anyone else noticed:

1. There aren't many folks accurizing lever guns?

2. The standard forum "experts" haven't weighed in yet!
I've on and off been looking for a lever specialist for a while and have yet to find one. There are Cowboy Action specialists, but their focus is far different from what I'm wanting done (re-barreling, accurizing. change to pistol grip, etc.). If anyone knows of a lever specialist gunsmith I'd really like to know about them.
OK, almost to range but had to load some High Performance Loads 😅😂🤣 for the old 94. I measured the CBTO on my standard Sierra Pro Hunter FN 150 gr load so I know the 150 gr Pro Hunter SP will definitely be off lands etc. I loaded up with Varget and glad I measured the COAL! Definitely a single top feed since the new COAL will not clear the tube exit for ramp up. But I did try it single top feed in backyard just to make sure it would cycle eject and does so perfect! So hard part over or at least so I think is behind me so next is the range challenge. I am hoping to do that by end of week. But the loads do look nice as a spitzer in stead of FN! Kind of fun to see what happens with the 150 SP load. But I also loaded up some fresh 150 ProHunter FN's so maybe they will shoot better! Heck this 1954 Mod 94 is probably older than 90% of folks on the LRH (Dang but not me) ! Action still slick as snot!
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OK, decided to post of pic of the new deadly LRH round that is going to blow CM's out of the water!
Yes that spitzer looks long. Hope it works out for you. Here are my 2 handloads compared to a factory. I have to keep the OAL basically at factory lengths to cycle and fit the magazine. The left is my 160 grain leverevolutions handload - center is a factor Rem 150 grain - left is my 125 grain Sierra. They look alittle stubby but shoot and cycle well. The 160's and 125's will NOT group together though. Never seen 2 loads shoot that far out from each other....... about 10 to 12 inch difference in POI.
Ok, humility can be a tough nut to chew on but I am posting up anyway. These are the first 10 shots that I have fired with iron sights in over 45+ years. My hat is off to those who can. My farsightedness was problematic and could not get clean sight picture. I think I know why glow sights are so popular now! I did not have a yardstick to measure:eek:😂😂😂😂
The FN actually shot better than the spitzer but who can tell since the loose nut behind rifle bigger problem. So here are my 100 yd god aweful five shot groups. The actual somewhat group is the 150 Sierra PH FN and the what the heck group is Sierra 150 PH SP. 34.0 gr Varget. Btw shooting an old 94 with steel butt plate in T shirt not recommeded!


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Ok, humility can be a tough nut to chew on but I am posting up anyway. These are the first 10 shots that I have fired with iron sights in over 45+ years. My hat is off to those who can. My farsightedness was problematic and could not get clean sight picture. I think I know why glow sights are so popular now! I did not have a yardstick to measure:eek:😂😂😂😂
The FN actually shot better than the spitzer but who can tell since the loose nut behind rifle bigger problem. So here are my 100 yd god aweful five shot groups. The actual somewhat group is the 150 Sierra PH FN and the what the heck group is Sierra 150 PH SP. 34.0 gr Varget. Btw shooting an old 94 with steel butt plate in T shirt not recommeded!View attachment 206143
Stick with the FN and stay at no more then a 100yd. and you'll still be in the kill zone of a broad side shot. You have just rediscovered your close range rifle. :) :) Happy times in close cover. :) :)
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