30-30 Long Range Challenge

Anybody try Alliant Varmint powder? Holy cow as my first response when I saw velocities for the 30-30 with 130 gr. Kind of makes the 30-30 a fun toy again at those velocities if anyone is actually getting them.


  • 30-30.130 gr.Varmint.Powder.Alliant.pdf
    27.5 KB · Views: 359
Goes hunting GB for a 788 in .30-30.......

kidding, a little.......

Love the idea, think that it should be confined to lever actions. I know that won't be popular with a couple posters above. Not my game though, staying tuned to see what the results are.
Goes hunting GB for a 788 in .30-30.......

kidding, a little.......

Love the idea, think that it should be confined to lever actions. I know that won't be popular with a couple posters above. Not my game though, staying tuned to see what the results are.
Have a 788 in 243 and it is accurate
Have not finished to put a stock on it
Longest Distance to maintain 1 MOA 3 shot group wins

Rules are simple:

1. Must be a 30-30 LEVER ACTION Only
2. Can only shoot 5 shots at any distance, 3 are grouped for score
3. bench rest, sights, scope, loading single bullets at a time are all fair game

I have a feeling this maybe more difficult than you think!
My Sears model 54 wasn't up to the task at 50 or 100 yds so Its time to hit the load bench

Idea came to me from 15 years ago watching my brother shoot 2" groups, with open sites at ~200 yds at his farm in Texas.

Good luck
Called that 30-30 game something else but my 94 liked 165 spbt over 4064.
It's funny this came up, last spring I was enjoying my '64 model 94, and my old micro groove marlin. The 94 shoots well with open sights and 150 rn, at least as good as my eyes can shoot. The scoped Marlin will cloverleaf 3 shot groups of 160 ftx with A2495.
Just added a peep sight to my 94 and was doing some load development for it last month. Have got two pretty good loads worked up for it. One with a 130 and one with a 170. Haven't finished them up yet but I guess I need to now! still have to finish sighting in and run over the chrony. Will have to report back once I get done. Still have to bed the 340. After all these years I have just started playing with the old 30-30 s again.
Ok...this is my best 3 shot group I was able to get this week with my Savage 340. I'm happy with it for sure. Who knows how many thousand rounds I put thru this little gem over the years. 100 yards....125 grain Sierra spitzer.....35 grains of 3031...CCI large rifle primer. 3x9x40 Bushnell 3200
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