
I LOVE THE .3006.....This is a deer killer..I have shot deer at 400 yards and they lay down.
They die of lead poisining.
Realy...One of my friends has a .3006 I gave him 10 years ago.
He has shot Caribou, over 5 Moose and a bunch of Deer. and he loves it and I love the one I own.
If I get my hands on a good Springfield action that measurs to spec I grabbit. its easy to make a Rifle that shoots under one inch at 100 yards.
use a 165 gr Bullit by Nosler SBT with a touch of Dupont IMR 4064 (44.8) i also use the 150gr Nosler Partition with a touch of Dupont IMR 4064 using 54.3grs there SBT work better at 500 yards the .3006 is one of the Three kings for hunting.
I have used Reloader-15 on both. It works real good also.

Thanks Keith..I'll pick some up and try it..

I found this info in the new recipe section on the Alliant Powder website today.

I am going to try the berger 168 with reloder 17..... Start a light and work up to ideal....

Centerfire Rifle

30-06 Springfield

  • Speer 168 gr BTHP
  • Reloder 17
  • Fed 210
  • 56 gr
  • winchester brass
  • 2850 fps
Here is the link,,,,,

Alliant Powder - Reloader's Guide
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