
Ya, it will duplicate the wsm.....Rich
Good evening Rich,
Have you tested the Sherman in a 24" if so does it need a 26". You definitely have my attention but all I have is a 24" and if I get it done my brother will want the reamer and he has a 22"..
Good evening Rich,
Have you tested the Sherman in a 24" if so does it need a 26". You definitely have my attention but all I have is a 24" and if I get it done my brother will want the reamer and he has a 22"..

I have not tested in a 24", but I am quite confident that it would make 3000' with a 180 or even with a 185 Berger.......Rich
I have Dad's Browning A-bolt in 30-06, with my 3-12x56 Kahles mounted. When in the deer stand with shots kept under 300 yards the rig has no better.
I have not tested in a 24", but I am quite confident that it would make 3000' with a 180 or even with a 185 Berger.......Rich
Thanks Rich, I have a Savage project along with a Weatherby Vanguard project I need to get finished up. I may have to get with you in the future.
Thanks again.
tagging in... I have a rem 700 lss lh 30-06 I'm interested in modding... I have a 280 barrel coming my way later this year but I wouldn't hate to stay 30 cal with it either...
Heck yes. I always have an otter6 or two around. My favorite round day in and day out. I'm currently semi-patiently waiting for Dave Bruno to call. He's going to build me a light / LR 30/06. Trued M700 fitted with a Bart 2b cut to 25",in a B&C Medalist. Cerakote the works in graphite black. Throated for 180/190 gr pills,I hope to exercise it out to 800 anyway. There are LR opportunities to be had here in the Ridegway and Southfork clubs. Ultimately being used on a trophy Mulie hunt in Colorado in 2016 or 2017. Been collecting p-points since 2007 and we're getting a little antsy. The old Otter has been a big part of my travels. I grew up in the hey day. Around here when I was getting started you either carried a 30/30,or the 30/06. Poll a bunch of Woolrich clad hunters along any given dirt road in rural PA in the early 70s. There was always a goodly number of assorted lever actions. The 270 Win was well represented. But,the 30/06 was by and large the most toted. I was drawn to it at an early age and haven't strayed far in 40 plus years.
Lefty, did you ever decide on what to do with your .30-06?

it is on the back burner for now...
I'm still trying to get the 7stw build I'm in the middle of finished. Everything that could be an issue has been an issue with this rifle. All that will be left of the old rifle is the action and bolt when I am done with it.
The 280 barrel is still on the way... I'm thinking of either setting up the rifle as a 280 or buying another bolt and making a magnum of the rifle...
I'm a little late to the thread, but I'm a big fan of the 30-06's. I'd thought I'd share this for those who don't know already. It works out to be reasonably priced, reloadable brass, and I've had extremely good accuracy with it.

Creedmoor 30-06 167 gr. Ammunition (Lapua Brass) - Creedmoor 30-06 Ammunition - Creedmoor Ammunition - Ammunition - Ammo, Brass & Bullets | Creedmoor Sports

i have not tried the factory ammo. i have shot a lot of 167's in matches. and i and my buddy killed two arctic wolves with my 30-06 and 167 scenars, lapua brass, varget.
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