
Here's a few of my custom .30-06 AI...

Rem 700 BDL action - Fully blueprinted w/ custom tactical knob and PTG bolt shroud installed
Rem 700 Varmint 26" 1:12" .308 Win barrel punched to .30-06 AI, threads & shoulder squared, hand-lapped, custom crowned.
B&C Medalist Classic stock (fore-end was opened to accept varmint contour barrel)
Rem/Walker trigger - Slicked and tuned
DNZ 1-piece base
Kahles Helia KX 3.5-10x50 w/ 4D reticle




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I know they are out there but you don't see them or hear of them much. Are a lot people still using their .30-06's?

Yes, and there's quite a few LRH members that are pushing the envelope. Do a custom search on the top right hand corner for "MontanaMarine .30-06" and you'll see his posts for those 1-miler shots.
How does the .30-06AI compare to the .30-06?
Day and night...Roughly 200 fps difference, when comparing max loads in the Berger manual vs what mine pushes them. Berger manual is around 2,700 fps average. I am +/- 2,900 fps... That puts me WITHIN 75-100 fps of Berger's max .300 WinMag velocities with the same bullet. :D

Is the barrel the only difference in the AI compared to stock or are there more differences?
The barrel is the same, the chamber is different. You can open up any .308 Win or standard .30-06 barrel to a .30-06 AI chamber. You just need a smith with a .30-06 AI reamer. You will need a set of matching .30-06 AI dies. You will need to know if your smith's reamer is a 30 or 40 degree shoulder (mine is 40, I prefer the sharper shoulders). If you decide to go with the AI with the 40* shoulder, the Redding part # is 84324.

One word of precaution, being that it is a wildcat caliber, there is not much proven load data available for wildcat calibers, it is kind of a trial and error thing, and I recommend you being an experienced reloader, or getting help from an experienced wildcatter, before attempting to form brass and load for an Ackley Improved caliber. I'm sure your local gunsmith can most likely help you get started, if you are interested. And feel free to post as many questions as you like, and I'll try to answer them as best I can.

There is another guy named Jeff, who I believe is from Nevada, who also has a .30-06 AI, and we both shoot the same bullets, and coincidentally both of our rifles like the same charge of the same powder. So, I'm sure he can help out as well. Maybe he'll see this and chime in.
If anyone is interested, I have a 300 Sherman reamer that will turn any '06 chamber into a magnum performer very easily. No mods needed and 3000' with 190 grain bullets in a 26" barrel...........Rich
If anyone is interested, I have a 300 Sherman reamer that will turn any '06 chamber into a magnum performer very easily. No mods needed and 3000' with 190 grain bullets in a 26" barrel...........Rich

Rich, i've been telling you to send me the die reamer set, and the chamber reamer, and I'll convert the '06 AI to the .300 Sherman. :D:D:D

As fast as my barrel is, I would love to see what that extra 5-10gr of powder would do. I bet I would be at .300WM velocities without pushing it too hard.
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