.30-06 AI?

Good day all! Anyone out there have any experience with the .30-06 AI?
30-06 AI was my first AI. Loved it, shot plenty of LR with it. Killed a nice bull with it using the 180 AB. Moved on. Was able to work up a load using Rel 25 swapping back between the 180 BT and AB. 26" Lilja got me 3002 fps. Compressed the hell out of the powder to get that velocity. Actually got more fps but 3k was the node. Taught me the benefit of the AI or any improved case was reduced neck trimming; my pet peeve. Extra velocity was just a bonus.
Has anyone using the Serengeti chamber shot lighter bullets/factory 30-06 out of it? Just curious on results or if it turns the 30-06 into more of a heavy bullet lover....... I've been considering going with it in my daughter's rifle, mainly thinking we can work up faster loads but if/when she moves out and on she could buy and shoot factory ammo if she has to. I want to get her set up with a all round rifle that we can have some fun with but not so popular or exotic that we can find components and ammo during bad times. I was originally think 280AI but have given up on that after looking for components and ammo the last 2 years.
Ie 30-06 is like Chevy small block. Bolt on virtually anything and it just flat out ran like hair on fire. Just look at all options and pick any one of them, it will shoot great.
I was always a Mopar guy. 69 Plymouth Roadrunner . 70 Dodge Charger 440 mag. 70 Dodge Dart. My fave 70 Plymouth 340 Duster. Built it to the bone. Quick. Then in 1980 I went to Ford Trucks. On 4th with 220k. Sorry OP ! Haven't owned a 30.06 in many years. Wish I still had my Ruger Mk.1 30.06. way before AI.
300 Sherman is very similar with available die's, reamers. etc. Dies weren't cheap but fair. Good match to chamber size.
I have always had interest in 30-06 Serengeti chamber that kind of gets you same result to shoot heavies. Hmmm, I wonder how a fast twist, LA @3.65 magazine, with 180HH or 181HH would do in a 2 step throat that further reduces pressure?

Crap, just talked myself into new build.
The Serengeti has a 2 step into the lands concept instead of a 1 step from the throat or freebore. This is similar to Shawn's (EDGE) +P throating. These concepts reduce chamber pressure significantly and thus allow the end user for the additional powder to increase to the same pressure before the throating process, thus gaining extra velocity. This is beneficial for a load configuration not maxed out in case capacity.

To 30'06 AI. It is a 270 Win case Sherman improved with a 30 cal bullet. That seems very similar to me except with a standard reamer and dies that match available for a reasonable price.
I am fully aware of the 300 Sherman; I was not sure which you were comparing it to from your post. The 300 Sherman (like the med neck in #21 except with 40° shoulder angle) is much more similar to the .30 Gibbs, with about a grain difference in case capacity.

300 Sherman vs .30 Gibbs capacity.JPG
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