280ai or ???

.280AI is almost a 7RM, but less recoil, and slightly less powder consumption.
I think the .270Win with a 150 is a fine choice for elk out to 500ish yards. But nothing like a 165-180 from a .280AI past 500. A 175 @ 2950+ is elk magic that a .270 Win or .308 Win can't keep up with.
My current accuracy load for my .270 AI is pushing the 175 Matrix at 2993 FPS with H4831SC. I have gotten near 3100 FPS, but pressure signs start to show, and the group opened up. It is no slouch for elk at 700-800 yards. Others are claiming ~100 FPS with RL-26.
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Presently having a 6mm-280AI being built. You can use a 700 Rem Action using 25-06, 270, 280 Rem, 30-06 for the action. Triggertech goes right in and a wide range of trigger pull, easy to adjust. It all depend in how deep your pockets are. I would look at increasing your twist up in what ever you are going to build. The reason I when to the 280AI case was it had a little more area for powder. The case can be purchases and neck down to whatever you are headed for. I should restate that when you can fine 280 AI brass. I am planning on taking other case that I have mention about and fire forming them to the 6mm-280AI.
I built a 280AI a few months ago and I love it. However, I would not have done it if I didn't reload. Yes, I know there are factory offerings for it, but they are pretty pricey and somewhat limited compared to some other .284 calibers. As for what the 280AI can do for you that a .308 Win. cannot.... increased velocity and better BC at same or similar bullet weights. With that said, it is slightly more forgiving if you miss a wind call by a few mph on a longer shot. I love my 280AI, and was very pleased with the terminal performance on the 3 elk, multiple deer, and numerous pigs taken with it so far. I have loads for the 162 and 175 Eldx's. It is an efficient .284" with mild/medium recoil and the factory bullet offerings are adequate to hunt most North American game.
My current accuracy load for my .270 AI is pushing the 175 Matrix at 2993 FPS with H4831SC. I have gotten near 3100 FPS, but pressure signs start to show, and the group opened up. It is no slouch for elk at 700-800 yards. Others are claiming ~100 FPS with RL-26.
I am 2986 suppressed with a 175 Elite in my .280AI.
Your .270AI performance is fuel for what my brother is wanting to build.
I ended up with one because I wanted something chambered and twisted to take advantage of all the new high bc bullets out there. The 280AI floated to the top in efficiency, hi BC bullet availability, barrel life, recoil, and even commercial ammo is coming on fast. My only problem now is choosing which bullet to stick with.... it shoots all of them into ragged holes!
I grew up shooting all the calibers you mentioned, but most of them don't have the right case geometry and twist to take advantage of bullet technology that i believe is here to stay.
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