280ai or ???

I am all for building rifles. Hell I get halfway through with one and I am already working in the next one. But given what you have I don't see what a 280 ai as a huge step up over a 270. A well loaded 270 win is a heck of a caliber.
The only handicap of the .270 would be bullet options for shooting distance. Well beyond 500 yards. Not much in weight class for Elk at any significant range. Berger's 170 would work assuming it will shoot well in a particular rifle. If not, your out of heavy bullet options. The 280AI has options from 160-195s for Elk or any large animals. I'd say that would justify use for a 280AI. Anything up to 500 yards, the 270 would handle with the 150 class boat tail hunting bullets. Even the Nosler partition works at 400-500 yards
The only handicap of the .270 would be bullet options for shooting distance. Well beyond 500 yards. Not much in weight class for Elk at any significant range. Berger's 170 would work assuming it will shoot well in a particular rifle. If not, your out of heavy bullet options. The 280AI has options from 160-195s for Elk or any large animals. I'd say that would justify use for a 280AI. Anything up to 500 yards, the 270 would handle with the 150 class boat tail hunting bullets. Even the Nosler partition works at 400-500 yards
When he's got a 300 win, I would expect that's what comes out when he's betting to shoot further than 500. That's my reasoning. I am a huge 280 ai fan, I've had several and I'm sure I'll have many more
The only handicap of the .270 would be bullet options for shooting distance. Well beyond 500 yards. Not much in weight class for Elk at any significant range. Berger's 170 would work assuming it will shoot well in a particular rifle. If not, your out of heavy bullet options. The 280AI has options from 160-195s for Elk or any large animals. I'd say that would justify use for a 280AI. Anything up to 500 yards, the 270 would handle with the 150 class boat tail hunting bullets. Even the Nosler partition works at 400-500 yards
You'd pass out if you seen the lethality of a 130 gr. SBSP out of the .270 Winnie on elk.
Were I'm from, it was standard issue.
There is a fella from Polson Mt that has harvested almost everything on four legs with one.
Bet he got it done, too.
He almost had it accomplished 17 years ago.
What works for one doesn't work for all.
"Displacement" will never over-rule "Shot Placement".
280AI won't do anything that your 308, 270, and 300 win mag dont alerady do. Might as well go with a light 300 win mag to compliment the other 300. Or go with something the completely different direction. 25-06 or 257 Weatherby
I'm thinking about getting rid of the 300WM and replacing it with the 2&0AI. My shooting skills beyond 500 yards is lacking so my thought was a non magnum under 500 yds might be reasonable.
Pick the right twist and use it for everything
Two or three different loads
Maybe an 8.5 or 8.7ish twist
You'd pass out if you seen the lethality of a 130 gr. SBSP out of the .270 Winnie on elk.
Were I'm from, it was standard issue.
There is a fella from Polson Mt that has harvested almost everything on four legs with one.
Bet he got it done, too.
He almost had it accomplished 17 years ago.
What works for one doesn't work for all.
"Displacement" will never over-rule "Shot Placement".
I've shot alot of animals with a 130 out of a .270. It's never been from beyond 500 yards tho.
You'd pass out if you seen the lethality of a 130 gr. SBSP out of the .270 Winnie on elk.
Were I'm from, it was standard issue.
There is a fella from Polson Mt that has harvested almost everything on four legs with one.
Bet he got it done, too.
He almost had it accomplished 17 years ago.
What works for one doesn't work for all.
"Displacement" will never over-rule "Shot Placement".
What's an SBSP ?
I just had a 280ai built.
AG alpine hunter stock
24" Proof CF 8.4 twist
Trigger tech primary
PVA ultra light 3 port brake

shoots the factory Hornady 162's and Federal Premiums with the 168 Berger sub moa.

it fits nicely between my 6.5PRC and 300PRC. Do I need it, no. Do I like it, yes
.280AI is almost a 7RM, but less recoil, and slightly less powder consumption.
I think the .270Win with a 150 is a fine choice for elk out to 500ish yards. But nothing like a 165-180 from a .280AI past 500. A 175 @ 2950+ is elk magic that a .270 Win or .308 Win can't keep up with.
A reloader can actually make a 280 perform better than factory 7rm ammo can.
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