270wsm powder


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2015
I am wondering what most are using for powder and bullet weight looking for a load that is good for 400 yards for hunting to. I am going to be running 130 more than likely for deer would like to be around 3100 fps. that for any advice
I am wondering what most are using for powder and bullet weight looking for a load that is good for 400 yards for hunting to. I am going to be running 130 more than likely for deer would like to be around 3100 fps. that for any advice
The RL-17 is made explicitly for the WSM; I have used it for over 10 years with excellent results. If I do my part, my .300 WSM propels the 215 Berger at 2850 FPS out of a 24" barrel, .5-.75 MOA to 966Y.



I experimented with H4350, H4831SC, MagPro, IMR 7828 SSC, and H1000 before settling with RL-17. Below are the highest velocities I achieved before hitting pressure.

65.2 H1000 = 2667
67.9 MagPro = 2675
58.5 H4350 = 2679
63.8 IMR 7828 SSC = 2681
62.9 H4831S = 2700
62.5 RL-17 = 2850

As with anything else, YMMV.
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X2 H4350. The great powder for the 270 wsm was Rldr 17 but they discontinued it. It could make some 130s really zip! I used to get 3354 fps with the 129 lrx. 61 grains of that 17. It is temp sensitive apparently but I never noticed from 25 to 80 degrees. At least not enough to make me miss. I don't shoot 130s nowadays, but if I did...H4350.
I've Been running, 65.7 Grains of, IMR 7828 with, 140 gr. Berger, Classic Hunters @ 3,175 FPS, Average Vel. and have Shot 2, Bull Elk with It.
My Grandson got, a Nice, mature Buck Antelope ( High shoulder, Complete Pass Thru,...DRT ! ) with, my old Rifle ( Now, PVA Braked ) and, His.
This Load, has always Shot,.. SUB 3/4 MOA out to, 700 Yards ! AND,. Kills Game Like, a Lightening Bolt !
IMR 7828, 4831 and 4350.
Alliant powders my goodness take a pick
16, 17, 19, 22, 23 and 26.
As usual 26 and 7828 for speed.
17, 22 and the 4350's good accuracy, Not saying you can't get accuracy out of the rest. Whatever your barrel likes.
I am wondering what most are using for powder and bullet weight looking for a load that is good for 400 yards for hunting to. I am going to be running 130 more than likely for deer would like to be around 3100 fps. that for any advice
For 130's,.. I'd go to, a Bit "Faster Burn" Powder like,.. H-4831 or 4350
The BEST Performance and LR "Accuracy" for Me was, the Load, I mentioned, Above ^^ ( A REAL Thumper ! )
But my .270 WSM Load, has always Been with,.. Elk in Mind as, a Primary Target.
It' also, Kills Deer and Antelope,.. just Fine !
There is a huge variety. Many work very very well.

What is easy for you to get?

I used 7828 or 7828ssc for almost all the 270s.

You didn't say what barrel length you are after or if you are going to use a can but 3100 should be easy even for 20".
For 130s around 3100 h4350 or h4831 would be great. Max velocities are with Ramshot Magpro, Magnum, rl22, rl26 in my experience but not what asked. Looking at data Win Staball HD looks good in 270 wsm but not tried it yet though tends to be little cheaper than Hodgdon locally

My go to is RL26 and 140 Accubonds. I've taken deer and elk to 500yds. I don't always get an exit but kills have been definitive. I would imagine this combination would perform at any range I'd ever be shooting at an un wounded animal.

Because I'm too reliant on a dwindling supply of RL26, I picked up 3lbs of MagPro to play with this summer.

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