Why not 270wsm

I have shot quite a few times out to 500 yards and once to 750 and it has. I have thought about trying one of the custom ammo stores on line and ordering a sample pack of either 150 gr Berger VLD or Barnes TSX. This would be probably the cheapest route for me in the long run as I have kept all of my spent brass and can send it in. I even have a nephew in Houston that has offered to reload for me if I will only supply the dies. Just hate to impose on him. Believe it or not I have a wife that is a saint. All of our kids are out of the house and we have 3 empty bedrooms. She already told me that if I want to start reloading to take one of the rooms and set it up. I keep trying to talk myself out of it because I know if I get started I am going to want one of everything. If I had a long shooting range close by, I probably would. It would kill me to load up different loads and have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get to the camp and try them out. Camp is 2½ hours away and the only place I have to shoot out to 750 yards and that is on a pipe line.
I just got done wackn a bull with a 165 Matrix, closest bull I've taken with my 270 WSM at 400yards. First round took the top of his heart of and the second one rearranged his lungs. I have zero problem shooting elk out to a 1000 yards with a 270 WSM loaded with any of the better heavy for cal bullets.
Shooting gongs with the 6.5 140 Berger at 3150 vs the 270 WSM with a 165 Matrix there is just no doubt which one packs the heat. The 7WSM or 7 mag is an even match with the 270 WSM. There are two solid 270 bullets in the 165 and 175 Matrix, the 170 Berger should come on line soon hopefully with a .703 BC and at least one other in the works in the 170 range for 4 bullets around or over .650 BC.
Loading the 168 Berger in a 7mag and a 165 Matrix in a 270 WSM the 270 will out run the 7mag, you basically have to load the 180 Berger in the 7mm. So the reality is that the 6.5 or 7mm has no advantage on the 270.
I shoot out well past a mile with mine and get excellent results and at 6200ft I have yet to hit transonic at 1890 yards. I have zero stability issues even with the 270 WSM even with the 175 Matrix in a 1-10 twist at 5600+ ft elevation.
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I recently went to Africa on a Plains Game Safari. I took a 270 WSM as a second rifle. I took my first head of game with the 270WSM with the 165 Matrix Bullet.I was so impressed that I used it exclusively. When I first started Matrix bullets, I was skeptical about the claimed BC, but after tracking shots at 400, 500, 700 and 1000 yards with a Huskemaw Blue Diamond scope, I became a believer! The 270 WSM teamed with the Matrix bullets did a one shot kill on 5 out of 6 head of African Plains Game. The largest being Wildebeast amd Gemsbok. I also took an Oryx/Gemsbok in New Mexico in March, 2012 @352 yards with one shot with the same 270 WSM and Matrix combo.
I recently went to Africa on a Plains Game Safari. I took a 270 WSM as a second rifle. I took my first head of game with the 270WSM with the 165 Matrix Bullet.I was so impressed that I used it exclusively. When I first started Matrix bullets, I was skeptical about the claimed BC, but after tracking shots at 400, 500, 700 and 1000 yards with a Huskemaw Blue Diamond scope, I became a believer! The 270 WSM teamed with the Matrix bullets did a one shot kill on 5 out of 6 head of African Plains Game. The largest being Wildebeast amd Gemsbok. I also took an Oryx/Gemsbok in New Mexico in March, 2012 @352 yards with one shot with the same 270 WSM and Matrix combo.

I bet a lot of use would like to hear more on the hunt, you should post a new thread on the hunt!! Been dreaming of going to Africa since I first could read books from Capstick, maybe some day!
Hock the farm, live on Roman Noodles, do whatever it takes. Hunting Plains Game in Africa costs a lot less than most people think!! It was on my "Bucket List"!! Now it's on my "Semi Bucket List". I'm going back ASAP. I live in Northern New Mexico, I can go to Africa for a 7 day hunt cheaper than I can go 100 miles from home and hunt one of these high $$ New Mex. Elk.
bigngreen, I did a little testing with the 165 Matrix's you sent me, but the load data I had was too hot. Even the starting load produce a bit of drag in the bolt. I have not gotten back to that project, but would be very happy to fine they would shoot in my rifle. Corrected BC on that bullet looks identical to the 180 gr Berger VLD's I am currently using, and they are a really good bullet.
Hock the farm, live on Roman Noodles, do whatever it takes. Hunting Plains Game in Africa costs a lot less than most people think!! It was on my "Bucket List"!! Now it's on my "Semi Bucket List". I'm going back ASAP. I live in Northern New Mexico, I can go to Africa for a 7 day hunt cheaper than I can go 100 miles from home and hunt one of these high $$ New Mex. Elk.

Perhaps you can do a cost break down for us on a different thread so we too can add it in our bucket list. :D

Hock the farm, live on Roman Noodles, do whatever it takes. Hunting Plains Game in Africa costs a lot less than most people think!! It was on my "Bucket List"!! Now it's on my "Semi Bucket List". I'm going back ASAP. I live in Northern New Mexico, I can go to Africa for a 7 day hunt cheaper than I can go 100 miles from home and hunt one of these high $$ New Mex. Elk.

I did the same thing back in the 80's and booked a cape buffalo/combo hunt back in the eighties when the cost was competitive with several North American hunts. Best decision I ever made!!!
as far as the 270 not having long range high bc bullets you guys have to see this on matrix ballistics ( I do not know how to link) they have a 165 grain @ .73 and a 175 @.78 for 270
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