Why not Howa / LSI?

I see most other brands of rifles noted in the forum comments, but rarely, if any, mention of Howa or LSI. Is there a problem with these rifles? They seem to produce guns in widely used calibers and have a variety of models. It's also easy to get barreled actions for building a budget custom gun.
I have 6 of them and they are as good as any. Howa makes the barrels and actions for ALL WEATHERBY VANGUARD'S Ssome S &W rifles and a few others. You won't go wrong with a Howa
I see most other brands of rifles noted in the forum comments, but rarely, if any, mention of Howa or LSI. Is there a problem with these rifles? They seem to produce guns in widely used calibers and have a variety of models. It's also easy to get barreled actions for building a budget custom gun.
Sorry one more note...the Howas are available in many stock options...if you want chasis, stock spotters or KRG BRAVO, MTI new ORXY and GRS.
Howas are good rifles, for sure.
They make the current Weatherby branded rifles.
HOWEVER...Customer support from LSI is a bad joke at best!
I asked for a user's manual... got no response, then "we don't have these."

Fortunetly I have had no prolems whatsoever with my 1500 HOWA. I hve taken shots at 400 yards with a simple higher hold on target and hit the bullseye many times. I have never contacted HOWA for anything but it's good to know I am on my own ahead of time. Funny, I was told Howa stop making for Weatherby many years ago. They used to make some of the Remington rifles too. Whatever! I still think the HOWA is one of the best 308 rifles manufactured for the price. I was weened on the 308 in the service and will stick with it.
I really wish they made a lefty version. Im sure i would own at least one. Every one ive been around was quite accurate and reliable.

I asked them if they had plans to make a left handed version a few years ago and they flatly said "no, most likely never"
cest la vie i suppose
I really wish they made a lefty version. Im sure i would own at least one. Every one ive been around was quite accurate and reliable.

I asked them if they had plans to make a left handed version a few years ago and they flatly said "no, most likely never"
cest la vie i suppose
Well, Sorry about that. They probably do not see a market big enough for the left hand model. There are many other brands that do make left hand models. I guess you will have to pick and choose. Or ask in the forum about good, reliable and reasonably priced leftys.
I really wish they made a lefty version. Im sure i would own at least one. Every one ive been around was quite accurate and reliable.

I'll second that.

I asked them if they had plans to make a left handed version a few years ago and they flatly said "no, most likely never"
cest la vie i suppose
I will third that....lol....I'm a lefty too! Only lefties I own are Weatherby
Again! Sorry for the lefty thing, But it will be a bit harder for left hand shooters to find a good bolt action rifle than right hand shooters. To bad the HOWA is not made in left hand. You can still find a good long lasting left hand in other brands. Good luck to you!!!
Always has to be one that doesn't produce. The heavy barreled .223 I bought didn't fire 100%, and when it did, it was less than minute of squirrel.
Howas are good rifles, for sure.
They make the current Weatherby branded rifles.
HOWEVER...Customer support from LSI is a bad joke at best!
I asked for a user's manual... got no response, then "we don't have these."


Before I bought my Howa 1500, I downloaded the manual and read it cover-to-cover. I haven't run into any manufacturers that don't have their manuals available online. I have to disclose that I have a little better than average web savvy. But it's pretty common nowadays to have owners manuals online regardless of the product.
Since I put together my daughter's .308 I keep looking at Howa for a 6mm Creedmoor. Those barreled actions Brownell's sells keep tempting me to buy the 26" mag contour one. I'll cut it back to 20" thread for my suppressor and Cerakote the rifle then drop it in my other Bansner (Howa Alpine) stock. However, until we clear some bills up I've put my buying on hold.
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