26 nosler 156 Berger

Did you get a chance to check the velocity yet?
Sorry for the delayed response on getting my velocities posted for the load development for my 26 Nosler. I actually went out to the range a couple times previously, but was having a difficult time getting my LabRadar to read with the suppressor I was using. So, I went ahead and bought the air rifle adapter for the LabRadar and it worked flawlessly.

As a reminder, my best loads consisted of 77.0 grains of Retumbo, Nosler brass, CCI 250 primers, and the Berger 156 EOLs. I found two OALs (measuring from the ogive) that my rifle seemed to really like. The first was 2.814 and the second was 2.754. So, I actually tested velocity for both of those. Here's the results from a 5 string group measured with the LabRadar:

2.814 OAL: 1st shot 3220; 2nd shot 3223; 3rd shot 3227; 4th shot 3222; 5th shot 3227. Average speed = 3,223.8 fps with an ES of 7 fps.

2.754 OAL: 1st shot 3205; 2nd shot 3212; 3rd shot 3208; 4th shot 3214; 5th shot 3209. Average speed = 3,209.6 fps with an ES of 9 fps.

As I suspected I'm running about 160 fps (OAL of 2.754) and 180 fps (OAL of 2.814) faster than what Berger suggested as the max velocity with this combo.

Again, I hope this information is useful.
I've been using RL-33 and getting more velocity than what berger quoted to me and seeing pressure at about 81 grains. Magneto reads 3175 ish with 80.5 grains seated .010 off lands.

Rifle is a Rem 700 Rem with 26" Proof CF barrel. This load is shooting very good under an inch. I have some IMR 8133 I'm going to try in it next but so far the rifle is a beast with these bullets. Still hoping to find some N-570 to try.
From Berger - N570 Start 74.5 Max 78.3
I started at 74.5 and saw pressure at 75.5. Gave 3248 fps but nasty pressure, cratered primer, ejector marks. 74.5 gave 3213 fps. I'm 2.952 to Ogive and 0.025 off lands.
Im trying 20N29 tonight.
20N29 Start 85.0 Max 89.3
RL33 start 78.0 max 82.1
Got these numbers 2 weeks ago from Berger Tech.

Did you get your barrel sorted out yet?
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