26 nosler 156 Berger

156 gr. Elite w/ 75.0 gr N570 loaded at .020" off the lands @ 3.520" OAL.

Range Temp = 75 degrees
Average velocity = 3,039 ft/sec
SD = 4.9

Will post other velocities shortly, although the sample sizes were small after 75.0 gr. Worked up 0.3 gr there after to 76.2 gr. No pressure signs witnessed.
My #4 Brux barrel likes 75.4g of Retumbo under the 156 EOL seated at 2.790 CBTO in Nosler brass running at 3120 FPS.


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Worked up my loads w/ N570 at 0.3 gr. incraments from 76.2gr up to 78.0 gr.

Best at .010" off the lands @ 77.1gr N570 @ 3120 ft/sec. Need more data, because my barrel was finally starting to speed up this last range session after reaching ~150 rounds down the tube.
If I set up my throat for the 156s, will it hurt the way my rifle shoots the 140 EOLs? I super accurate with them at 3430 out of a 28" Hart barrell.
Oh, 86.8 grains of RL50 with a COAL of 3.505 if this helps anybody. I'm very happy with this but the thought of over 3300 with 156s could drive me back to the drawing board!
26 nolser
26" Bartlein 5r 8tw
custom reamer
156 EOL berger bullet
New norma brass
RL50 powder
Hit 3250 fps es 20
accuracy 1/2" @.005 off
no load work done just testing for speed. with this powder its about it!! case fill is about 90%
I wish I had some VV20n29
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I've been working on the same load work-up for my 26 Nosler since I received my Berger 156 EOLs. I spoke to a Berger tech a couple of weeks ago and he was very helpful. He suggested a COAL of 3.385 (which equates to approximately 2.6900 when measured with my Hornady bullet comparator). Here's a list of potential powders with their respective charges and velocities (per Berger):

1. RL33: 78.0 (2935) - 82.1 (3098)
2. RL50: 81.0 (2917) - 85.3 (3090)
3. H1000: 70.5 (2880) - 74.4 (3026)
4. Retumbo: 73.5 (2916) - 77.2 (3046)
5. US869: 82.5 (2882) - 86.6 (3043)
6. H50BMG: 79.0 (2898) - 82.9 (3061)
7. IMR7977: 69.5 (2823) - 73.0 (2956)
8. Norma217: 73.5 (2918) - 77.1 (3048)
9. N170: 73.5 (2860) - 77.1 (2997)
10. N570: 74.5 (2960) - 78.3 (3114)
11. 20N29: 85.0 (2876) - 89.3 (3048)
12. 24N41: 78.5 (2892) - 82.5 (3053)

I hope this helps.
Thank you... you just saved me so much time and money ... and I really do wish quick load would come up with a version that runs on their iMacs
If you want to lower pressure or pick up speed go to the bore rider throater. Will pick up about 75 to 100 fps with same pressure. Not same powder charge. But loaded to the same pressure you had before.
I have not seen a reduction in barrel life at all. I do these throats for all my rifles now. I don't even get reamers with throats on them. And have ground throats off most of my other reamers. I've not had one customer complain of barrel life issues. You are correct that hotrodding rounds is hard on barrels but it's hard on them regardless of the throat.
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