257 Weatherby

Lower octane burns faster

Lower octane does not do well in high compression racing engines, and can pre-ignite causing knocking. Racing fuels, avgas, LPG and alcohol fuels such as methanol may have octane ratings of 110 or "significantly" higher. In my youth, we ran 120 octane with NO2 until we went to alcohol racing.

Octane ratings are not indicators of the energy content of fuels. They are only a measure of the fuel's tendency to burn in a controlled manner, rather than exploding in an uncontrolled manner.

Point being, why own a high end cartridge and then routinely not load to its true performance?
Lower octane does not do well in high compression racing engines, and can pre-ignite causing knocking. Racing fuels, avgas, LPG and alcohol fuels such as methanol may have octane ratings of 110 or "significantly" higher. In my youth, we ran 120 octane with NO2 until we went to alcohol racing.

Octane ratings are not indicators of the energy content of fuels. They are only a measure of the fuel's tendency to burn in a controlled manner, rather than exploding in an uncontrolled manner.

Point being, why own a high end cartridge and then routinely not load to its true performance?
I got the point just a poor analogy
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