257 Weatherby

It is a spectacular Caliber. I get why it was Roys alleged favorite

Mine is just so easy to shoot accurately and holding on hair to 350 let's you think about other important aspects of hunting than your rifle
Randy Robinett

I suppose it's only bib.
The 110 is the most accurate and highest bc 257 bullet I have shot in a 10 twist. I know the blackjacks have a higher bc but unless you have a custom barrel with a fast twist you can't use them.
I had a 250 savage AI getting 32-3300 with a 100 grainer. I get around 3700 shooting 100 grain Sierras out of my 257 whby using 7828. Years before that we shot 4831 but jumped on the 7828 wagon giving more Vel. Higher vel. is why the whby is out there, take advantage of what you have to work with.
My current dream is a 257 WBY. shooting 131 gr. Blackjack bullets at around 3200 FPS.

3200 with the 131 Blackjack is a mild pressure load. You can easily get 3300-3400 out of a 26+" barrel and RL 26, 7828, 7977 or 8133. Mine is coasting along nicely at 3325 w/8133.
If you're not pushing a 100gr bullet faster than 3500 why are you paying for expensive wby brass?
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