257 Bee vs 6.5 rpm

One thing I am left scratching my head on is why Weatherby put a #1 barrel on the 6.5 rpm. I understand they were going for ultimate weight savings and I can see it on the lower heat creedmoor. But where the rpm is a "magnum" round why don't they offer it with the magnum barrel like 257 and a number #2. Or am I overthinking this and in a hunting rifle #1 is plenty of meat.
One thing I am left scratching my head on is why Weatherby put a #1 barrel on the 6.5 rpm. I understand they were going for ultimate weight savings and I can see it on the lower heat creedmoor. But where the rpm is a "magnum" round why don't they offer it with the magnum barrel like 257 and a number #2. Or am I overthinking this and in a hunting rifle #1 is plenty of meat.
for that 1 or 2 rounds the #1 is ok, the 2 would be better an more manageable, but you just are not gonna get under the 5 pound mark with a #2. I have had my hands on that Backcountry rifle and it feels like a toy. Pretty cool.
Oh ya I handled a backcountry ti in 300wby and it was incredible yet terrifying how light it was.

the weathermark lt comes in at 5.9 if I remember right for the 6 lug action
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