25-06 long range load

no kidding Scott...that's 257 Wtby speed with a 115.....I'd back off the throttle a bit on that Ruger.....but maybe he has a 30 " barrel??..:)

Geeezzz, man that is one HOT load... a 25-06 shooting 115's at 3400 fps... your gun is in serious stress.... 3250 fps is pushing it with a 115-117...... 3400 fps is about 3000 ft lbs of muzzle energy.... allot for a 25-06..
be careful

I've read a lot of remingtonman_25_06 post on LRH! I think he knows what he is doing, and is not being unsafe. He worked his load up carefully. Data in a reloading manual is just a starting point.
I am looking for a longrange load for deer for my 25-06. The 115 gr Nosler BT with RL22 looks like a good one so far. Would I be better go with the Partition or a Barnes X. I would like go 400 to 500 yds. What is the best long range combo for the 25-06.

My sendero is quite fond of 7828 SSC with 115 bergers .005 off and 210 GM primers. I have mixed emotions about taking deer with this bullet. I shot 6 does with it this fall and did not find blood with any of them until they were piled up. Entry was small and no exit, but the internal view was amazing, it looked like a grenade went off inside. Deer ran as little as 5 feet to as far as 75 yards. 5 of six shots were behind the shoulder, the other shot was high shoulder ( that one went 5 feet). I then swithed bullets and kept everything else the same. New bullet was 110 grain accubond. Opportunity did not present its self for a shot at a deer.

The bergers shoot 1/2 inch or less, depending on me and the accubonds were 3/4 to inch. I will have to play around with seating depth and charge amount to try and shrink the accubond load up little.

Forgot to mention that the berger kills were at 448 to 473 yards. Velocity of the berger load is 3190 and I have not had a chance to run accubond over chrony yet.

If you decide to shoot bergers aim for high shoulder, if it is open ground shoot behind shoulder and be amazed at the explosion in side the chest cavity.

Dont own a 25-06 anymore but when i had one i used 87 gr. hornady sp

250 AI 87 gr. Hornady sp 3400 fps

257 whby. 100 gr. Nosler Bt 3750 fps with IMR 4831, havent change the load in years but a friend of mine is doing better vel. with 7828. The 250 AI is very impressive i shot Win. 760 out of it.
I am also an avid user of 25-06.
I have a Blaser R93 professional in L\H 25-06.
I use 55grains of ADI (made in australia)and 117grain SST,federal large rifle primers and winchester brass,my load is not that hot and I can get at least ten reloads before primer pocket loosening and case neck splitting occur.
I have a Swarovski PV-S 6x24x50 on it,and a harris bipod(swivel) and have confirmed kills on Red deer and Himalayan tahr out to 600metres on the rangefinder.The SST is all I will use after trying the other brands,my hunting friends with the same calibre use the accubond 110 grain and have had excellent results also out at those extended ranges.
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