25-06; bullet weight & load data

I've had excellent results on whitetail and hogs with IMR 4831 and Barnes 100 grain TSX/TTSX around 3200 fps....
25-06 TSX Group.jpg
I have a buddy who is hopefully going to help me try and load a few of the TSX, 100gr in a couple of weeks. We are hoping a load he has for his 700 will group well in mine also; just until after season is over. Then we will work up a load with the 115 Berger. Thanks to all for the replies.
I've always had great accuracy/speed with H4831/117 Sierra SBT. Its a pretty tough bullet for deer. If I had a 25-06 today, it would be using the 115 NBT. I've never tried berger's but seen them shot in other calibers, very accurate. As much as I do love the 257 Weatherby round, I admit I feel a 26" or longer barreled 25-06 gives it a big run for its money! :)
As someone who has had both, I would say your assessment is 100% correct. My .25-06 AI is within 100 FPS of what my .257 Wby would shoot, but it is doing so with 10-15 grains LESS powder (same powder) than the Weatherby was, with everything else being the same (bullet & primer).
**** phone... out of a 25" barrel. I was well over 3400 before I saw any pressure signs and only 1gr. over the suggested max. I backed down to a load right at 3400 and called it good. What powder do you use? Velocity? Performance on game?
Hahaha well 4 of my best friends growing up were jewish so....
I spent a lot of time working with the Israeli's in the 80's.

German was easy, Yiddish was challenging to say the least for a West Texas Redneck who spoke passable Spanish, Poor Redneck English, a smattering of Russian and fluent in German.

Worst of all when I got drunk I tended to speak them all at once!
Man, I love these 25-06 discussions! One of my favorite rifles. Mine is just a 700 CDL with the factory 24" barrel and a 6x Leupold. Did have it pillar bedded, free floated, and the trigger adjusted to a crisp 3#. I use mine as a general purpose hunting rifle, not a dedicated long-range rig. It's been TERRIFC! :)

Used several loads over the years:

100 gr Barnes TSX @ 3340 fps via H4350 Lack of expansion on deer at longer ranges. Quit using that bullet. Since then Barnes has introduced the tipped version which I understand is very good. My barrel also got quite a bit of copper fouling from the soft, all copper bullet. Wasn't thrilled, but I did take a couple of mule deer bucks with it.

115 gr Berger VLD @ 3190 fps via Retumbo Turned to this after the TSX. John Barsness had just published some very favorable info re the Berger VLD as a hunting bullet, so I decided to give 'em a try. My goodness, I was impressed! Excellent accuracy. Minimal drop & drift. And excellent killing power. Just as described: tiny entrance wound coupled with violent expansion inside the chest cavity. Took three mule deer with this load at 175, 230 and 400 yards. All instant drops. I was impressed.

115 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip @3150 fps via Retumbo I backed off my load a bit for this bullet and found it to be an excellent all-around hunting bullet. Good penetration, excellent expansion and easily sub MOA accuracy. Longest kill was a coyote, one shot at 420 yards. Held on the dog as he was heading uphill, away from me. Have taken several mule deer & pronghorn antelope with this bullet and I think it's just about perfect for deer & antelope sized game. Just two weeks ago I took a nice sized 4x4 mule deer with one shot at about 355 yards, from the bipod/prone. I was pleased.

I've also shot the 115 gr Nosler Partition, using Retumbo, and have seen excellent results on target. Partitions can be very accurate! I've not yet used that bullet on game, though I really ought to get started since I bought 500 of them! :)

Yes, your 25-06 is an excellent cartridge. I was surprised when I got mine, to learn that so many people happily use them on black bear and elk! I haven't done that yet, though I did carry it on one elk hunt, with the 115 gr Partitions. No shot though. Phooey.

Most recent buck:


420 yard coyote via the 115 gr Ballistic Tip:

Biggest buck with my 25-06, 340 yards, 115 Ballistic Tip:

The "Blue Cyclone" 115 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips:

It's just a great cartridge! Light recoil. Excellent accuracy. Reasonably flat trajectory at "normal" hunting ranges. Easy to load, easy to shoot, deadly on game. Ya, I like it.

LOTS of great replies here. Enjoy your new cartridge/rifle.

Regards, Guy
I spent a lot of time working with the Israeli's in the 80's.

German was easy, Yiddish was challenging to say the least for a West Texas Redneck who spoke passable Spanish, Poor Redneck English, a smattering of Russian and fluent in German.

Worst of all when I got drunk I tended to speak them all at once!
Well at least you have a great reason for sounding like that when drunk! Whats mine??o_O:D
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