24 or 26" barrel for 270 win?


The part you don't understand is that when one is a dedicated 270 fan its pretty much like an addiction.:rolleyes: Almost like a cult within a cult:D or just being obstinate and bone headedgun)

If my idea pans out and it had **** well better, I've spend many many hours on the project it will make bullets available to all who want them at a more than reasonable price, as each individual will be able to make their own. Those matrix bullets are priceee. Both will be expensive. One in dollars. The other in time. When one is set up a bullet can be made in about the same time as it takes to reload a case.

Fingers are crossed.

The part you don't understand is that when one is a dedicated 270 fan its pretty much like an addiction.:rolleyes: Almost like a cult within a cult:D or just being obstinate and bone headedgun)

If my idea pans out and it had **** well better, I've spend many many hours on the project it will make bullets available to all who want them at a more than reasonable price, as each individual will be able to make their own. Those matrix bullets are priceee. Both will be expensive. One in dollars. The other in time. When one is set up a bullet can be made in about the same time as it takes to reload a case.

Fingers are crossed.

God be with you royinidaho on your mission! :D
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