22 Cal's legal in WYO

I did say there are people that can do so..but i will say again that unless everything goes perfectly that wont happen,,i grew up on a dairy farm and i,ve killed a lot of whitetail deer with 220 swift and 22-250 and 22hornet but not all piled up on the spot with proper bullet placement...very few people can do so
It's pretty hard to read a post by a guy spouting off like you are about the body shots and then turn right around and see you espouse head shots at big game at ANY kind of distance! I say BS to both statements!!!
I did say there are people that can do so..but i will say again that unless everything goes perfectly that wont happen,,i grew up on a dairy farm and i,ve killed a lot of whitetail deer with 220 swift and 22-250 and 22hornet but not all piled up on the spot with proper bullet placement...very few people can do so

My wife and my buddies wife have no issues piling up deer with a 22-250, if you screw up with a 22-250 you'll screw up with anything else, just put a decent bullet through there lungs/heart and their just as dead as if I hit them with one of my magnums!!
it's pretty hard to read a post by a guy spouting off like you are about the body shots and then turn right around and see you espouse head shots at big game at any kind of distance! I say bs to both statements!!!

you took what i said all wrong ..i said when you start saying it is no big deal to kill a animal at 500yards or more with 22 cal. Bullets and do it cleanly and humanely every time i say ,,,bull **** it cannot be done. It,s for that reason that i said to shoot them in the head.
If you miss no big deal ..but a gut shot looses animals. I also said
to practice a lot so you are able to do just that.
I know there are more people on this site that will agree with iam saying but just wont say it. You can also say i talk **** if you want but i can back up whatever i say or i wont post it. I have many years shooting ,and i have a right to voice my opinon just as you gies or anyone else on this site.
I,am not here to bust anyones a-- just stating what i feel is correct.
Sorry if you have taken me incorrectly.
I,am not here to bust anyones a-- just stating what i feel is correct.

You are not correct, fact not feelings!!! At 550 yards my buddies 22-250 with a 60gr Berger hits at just under 2000 fps and 530 ft lbs of energy, bullets enter and open just at the on side lung and blow a couple inch hole through and out the back side exiting with enough to throw up dust. Game do a little sprint and fall over dead, it's not rocket science!! We've only had one of these bullets not blow a nice exit hole and that was a doe antelope in close and he shot her right on the point of the shoulder quartering toward him, ruined her heart and lungs and she jumped and fell dead. No issues, no losses, no problem!!
you are not correct, fact not feelings!!! At 550 yards my buddies 22-250 with a 60gr berger hits at just under 2000 fps and 530 ft lbs of energy, bullets enter and open just at the on side lung and blow a couple inch hole through and out the back side exiting with enough to throw up dust. Game do a little sprint and fall over dead, it's not rocket science!! We've only had one of these bullets not blow a nice exit hole and that was a doe antelope in close and he shot her right on the point of the shoulder quartering toward him, ruined her heart and lungs and she jumped and fell dead. No issues, no losses, no problem!!

fair enough ,,you do it your way and i will do it mine...i prefer the head shot, and you take the vitals with a 22-250 anyway.
Anybody who espouses a head shot on any big game animal over a heart/lung or shoulder shot is full of chit! There, now are ya happy? And don't tell me how great you can shoot a target that doesn't stand a chance of moving like the head of an animal at any time before the bullet gets to that little target! Please don't come back like you've already mentioned and say it's either a hit or a miss because I guess you've never seen pictures of deer and elk with their jaws blown away because of people like you! Talk about a slow, painful, miserable way to die---geez!!!
fair enough ,,you do it your way and i will do it mine...i prefer the head shot, and you take the vitals with a 22-250 anyway.

I'm not about to pass up a good solid head shot at close range, but if there is anything that may make the shot iffy I whack em behind the shoulder, either way won and done!
anybody who espouses a head shot on any big game animal over a heart/lung or shoulder shot is full of chit! There, now are ya happy? And don't tell me how great you can shoot a target that doesn't stand a chance of moving like the head of an animal at any time before the bullet gets to that little target!

heart /lung or shoulder shots for me with a larger cal. No problem.
I did not say iam a great shot you did. I said i will wait for the
perfect head shot and wnen the time is right i shot.every animal gives a stone cold standing shoot if you are patient enough to wait and can stay focused on the target. And yes i do miss every now and then ,but at that point i just move on ..oh and if it was a bad shot i didnt wound the animal.. You may be surprised at how many guys shot animals in the head at any distance ..it,s a real challenge ,and keeps you focused..
Ah, so now you're a clairvoyant and definitely know that animal isn't going to move it's head, LOL! You can stick your "focus" where the sun don't shine as you are not what I would call an ethical hunter to spout what you are!!! You came back in that post and said exactly what I said not to because a miss to the brain IS NOT ALWAYS A MISS like you have now stated twice! It's people like you that post chit like that that give most ethical hunters a real pain in the *** and some animals a miserable, lingering death!!!
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ah, so now you're a clairvoyant and definitely know that animal isn't going to move it's head, lol! You can stick your "focus" where the sun don't shine as you are not what i would call an ethical hunter to spout what you are!!! You came back in that post and said exactly what i said not to because a miss to the brain is not always a miss like you have now stated twice! It's people like you that post chit like that that give most ethical hunters a real pain in the *** and some animals a miserable, lingering death!!!

here is my final answer to you sunshine ..you are trying to show off and make a name for yourself and it is clear to me you do not understand or havent heard a word i said ..and you are a bit on the nasty side..here is a little test for you to try. Go out to 500 yards and hang a grapefruit on a string ,,,a apple on a string ,,,and a golf ball on a string ...when you can hit all 3 of them at that distance you will be able to do the 500 yard head shot...not sure it will work for you because of your lack of patience,your nasty attitude, and clearly your lack of respect for other members that have there own point of view. ,,even with that said i wish you happy hunting and shooting
Not showing off or making a name for myself, thank you! However, I'll tell you again to stick it where the sun don't shine because I understand every friggin word you've said!!! I'll shoot with you all day any day at TARGETS at any distance that DON"T move, but in no way will I shoot at a small target that a brain shot presents that might MOVE at any time because it's IRRESPONSIBLE and unethical and you most certainly fit in that category!!! This is nine shots with a .243 Sako Mr. Smartazz, 8 covered with a dime, and I won't tell you the distance because you won't believe it anyway!!! PS: I respect the animal I hunt and could care less about respecting you or anyone else with your wrong thinking. I wonder how many head shots you've attempted where the animal ran off with a broken jaw and you just went on to the next one "because it was a miss"!


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not showing off or making a name for myself, thank you! However, i'll tell you again to stick it where the sun don't shine because i understand every friggin word you've said!!! I'll shoot with you all day any day at targets at any distance that don"t move, but in no way will i shoot at a small target that a brain shot presents that might move at any time because it's irresponsible and unethical and you most certainly fit in that category!!! This is nine shots with a .243 sako mr. Smartazz, 8 covered with a dime, and i won't tell you the distance because you won't believe it anyway!!! Ps: I respect the animal i hunt and could care less about respecting you or anyone else with your wrong thinking. I wonder how many head shots you've attempted where the animal ran off with a broken jaw and you just went on to the next one "because it was a miss"!

targets are easy to hit they dont move ,,but then again i or we dont shot at moving animals at that distance we wait for the perfect shot .i have never hit one in the jaw ,,its normaly just behind the ear.
I will say that is a nice group ,,no mater what the distance. If you respect the animal as you say ,,then you shot them wherver you wish
and i and others like me will do it our way. A clean miss is better than a gut shot ,,any day.
How in the he** can you say or do you know that you never hit one in the jaw when it runs away and leaves no blood trail? Answer---No way in he** do you know that it was a miss in those circumstances when it doesn't drop at the shot and that's why you're full of it!!! Go away please and don't come back with more BS trying to tell me that you routinely take those kind of shots and that it hasn't happened!
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