2015 LRH Shooting Class With Non-Typical Outfitters

Regarding use of the quad sticks, I mentioned above the need to work on controlling the vertical.

I think I have it figured out so there will be minimal special technique required to learn and practice.

I simply added another "leg" which came from a Stoney Point (now Primos) system I hadn't been using. You can accomplish the same thing with any number of similar thingy's

Now there is absolutely NO vertical movement. The 5th leg is set on the ground forward of the rifle and you can slightly push into the whole system to "ground" the tip of the 5th leg.

I was able to easily "hold" on a 2 inch spot on my steel at 600 yards with no vertical jiggle. And of course the horizontal was already taken care of just with the quad sticks themselves.

This whole unit is now seriously capable at very long ranges! gun)


I had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone. Good luck on your hunts this season and keep in touch.
I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to Len, Andy and the NTO team for putting this class on. If you are undecided about this class please rest assured that there is great value in this course. You will walk away confident in your rifle with validated drop data for your ammo and some shooting positions that work in a variety of mountain terrain.
I'm from Wyoming and have hunted this region for many years and found this course to be a wealth of information. I learned shooting positions in difficult terrain that I would have never thought of when the moment presented itself. Rob Wiley has truly seen it all as an outfitter and knows what works based on experience. Jarred (NTO guide) is an ex military operator that brings a wealth of information to the table on basic marksmanship and proven shooting positions.
Other students in that class were also a source of great information and learning and I think the #1 cause of missed shots for myself & others seemed to be caused by forgetting to take your turret back to zero, forgetting to dial the dope after ranging the target or not realizing which revolution your turret was on - back to zero or 1 full revolution up from zero. Parallax adjustment was also a big factor especially beyond 500yds.

Great people and a lot of fun!
[FLOATRIGHT]The LRH/NTO Shooting Classes in the Wyoming mountains last month were a tremendous success. The cover shot this month (above) is of me shooting at the class. I'll post more pictures when I find some time in between hunts.

Here is a comment from student Larry Partridge. He killed a Dall sheep in Alaska 3 weeks after the class: "I got 'er done! Used Rob's tricks with a stuff sack for rear rest. Rock solid at 327 yards. Thank you guys for everything." Last year a different student did the same thing on his own Dall sheep in Alaska. We'll have classes again next summer.

We already have 5 guys signed up for next year. I am typing this from archery elk camp where the classes are held. And I just remember that Perry, one of the hunters, told me at breakfast this morning that he is bringing his son to class next year.

So that makes 7 and we have room for 30 in total over the three dates. Very high instructor to student ratio by the way.

Dates start July 29, 2016 plus the next two more three day weekends, and are three days long. FRI, SAT, SUN


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[QUOTE.......We already have 5 guys signed up for next year..........So that makes 7

Dates start July 29, 2016 plus the next two more three day weekends, and are three days long. FRI, SAT, SUN[/QUOTE]

I'm planning on coming again. I can't say which dates will work until it gets closer, but I'm definitely going to be finding a way to make it work.
That's great.

And I can't wait to see how your new "parts" work out. :D

I've been able to add a third day to training, and remain hopeful. Who knows next time I might bring a junior shooting partner, and take a play from your book by just bringing a camera for myself.

Looking forward to seeing your pictures.
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