200dollar scope


New Member
Jul 17, 2014
I'm looking for a mil dot scope with finger adjustable turrets for under 200$.Any suggestions would be wonderfull.gun)
Well, NeverMiss, if you must rely on something in that price range, you might want to try a Redfield scope. Here's one with an MOA reticle:

Redfield Battlezone Rifle Scope 3-9x 42mm TAC-MOA Reticle Matte

This one, although not a Redfield, does offer the MilDot reticle you referred to:


Redfield has been adopted by Leupold and the quality is, IMO, better than most scopes in that price range.
However, I'd recommend that you save your money and work up a notch or two with some vision toward a Leupold, Zeiss, or similar mid price range scope that is more likely to hold its zero, have better optics and be less affected by atmospheric changes or accidental movements of settings from a bump here and there.

If you select a MilDot reticle, make sure you determine what the term "MilDot" means to the company that manufactures the scope. MilDot usually means one mil (3.6 inches - center of one dot to the center of the adjacent dot) at distance of 100 yards and at a given power level; usually the highest power on a adjustable power scope. However, some manufactures use a different scale (Zeiss for example) and unless you find that out in the beginning you may find yourself frustrated when trying to range with your MilDot reticle.
I'm looking for a mil dot scope with finger adjustable turrets for under 200$.Any suggestions would be wonderfull.gun)

Welcome to LHR NeverMiss. Thats a pretty hard order to fill. You may want to goggle ss 10x42 mildot. Thats going to be about double the amount your talking about but its a pretty nice scope. You didn't mention what your putting it on are hunting /target shooting. You may want to check out the classified here on this forum. There are some decent deals to be had if you dont mind waiting for a while.
I would use it for hunting on my Ruger M77 270. I don't want fixed power because I live in Wyoming. Hunting here is up close trees and brush to rolling prairie and long shots. I was looking at a Nikko Sterling Target Master 4-16x44mm.
I would use it for hunting on my Ruger M77 270. I don't want fixed power because I live in Wyoming. Hunting here is up close trees and brush to rolling prairie and long shots. I was looking at a Nikko Sterling Target Master 4-16x44mm.
Why wouldn't a 10x fixed be any good out here in the west?? I've got two of the elite 3200 10x on my 270's and they are just fine. Fixed power scopes are rather underappreciated. You can get better glass for the money at lower magnification, and your cost is also lower if it is fixed x.
You buy cheap, you get cheap... I wouldn't touch a Nikko Sterling from what I've seen of them in the local stores. Better to buy a truglow ....then at least when you need to turn it into a hammer when it fails you aren't out as much. Another option for a hammer is the whitetail classic series at midway... Actually usable for a couple of years usually at a bit over $100 ....
Simmons Whitetail Classic Rifle Scope 6.5-20x 50mm Adjustable
Nikon prostaff series are the best bang for the buck. I have three and none have failed me. The can take bumps, water proof, fog proof, clear glass, and repeatable adjustments, although, very limited by the 1 inch tube. The mildot versions will put them past the $200.00 mark though. You can leave the caps off of them and they have finger adjustable turrets. You have some options now though...SWFA 10x, Bushnell 10x, Nikon Prostaff, and then the redfields which I believe are made in the USA by leupold (dont qoute me on that though).
Nikon prostaff series are the best bang for the buck. I have three and none have failed me. The can take bumps, water proof, fog proof, clear glass, and repeatable adjustments, although, very limited by the 1 inch tube. The mildot versions will put them past the $200.00 mark though. You can leave the caps off of them and they have finger adjustable turrets. You have some options now though...SWFA 10x, Bushnell 10x, Nikon Prostaff, and then the redfields which I believe are made in the USA by leupold (dont qoute me on that though).
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