Well-Known Member
I have an extra antelope buck tag this year. Nothing big in the area but hey its an extra antelope tag so why not?? My dad and I got over to douglas yesterday morning and met up with my friend whose family owns a ranch. We got out there and there were hunters everywhere so we worked our way onto the ranch and apparently the hunters surrounding the ranch had the antelope all kinds of nervous. so we decided since it was only a day hunt and not really a trophy area we were just going to shoot the first non yearling bucks we saw. They were extremely jumpy and the wind was blowing 15-20 mph. My dad shot his made a nice shot at 658 with his ultra light 300 wby. I spotted some and made a stalk on them and they popped out at about 200 I couldnt clear the brush so i just had to run to the edge of the hill spooking them and shot mine at 240. not far and not big goats but it was a blast. AND it was the third kill but first buck kill for my 338 Lapua....you will notice mine (second picture) has a rather large exit hole from the 300 SMK's