17 WSM Ammo 20 or 25 Grain?

Sounds like a plan. We have maybe a few yotes' on the farm, and of course, they mostly are only seen at night. There is one big red guy that I've seen twice in the past 2 years. The first time he was out around 350-400 yards and I only had my WSM. He is always on the move. The second time he was running across a field only about 200 or so yards. I did have my 22-250, but I only see him for maybe a few seconds. My nephew with the 6mm Ackley was with me and tried to run to get ahead of him but had to take a pot shot at him and missed. I do have to ask, where are you located? From what you have posted I'm guessing the Mansfield, Richland county area?
Sounds like a plan. We have maybe a few yotes' on the farm, and of course, they mostly are only seen at night. There is one big red guy that I've seen twice in the past 2 years. The first time he was out around 350-400 yards and I only had my WSM. He is always on the move. The second time he was running across a field only about 200 or so yards. I did have my 22-250, but I only see him for maybe a few seconds. My nephew with the 6mm Ackley was with me and tried to run to get ahead of him but had to take a pot shot at him and missed. I do have to ask, where are you located? From what you have posted I'm guessing the Mansfield, Richland county area?
I'm in Bath Ohio, an hour to your area, been hunting down there for 20 years made some good farmer connections. Hunt near Funk wildlife area also. Plenty of hunting here but no agriculture makes for slim Gh numbers, but living in the interior of 23000 acres makes for fabulous hunting of other things, absolutely no hunting in the park but as long as I'm on my property all is well. Lots of Gh's on peoples front yards though.
Heck, I don't even think you're an hour away? I'm just off 619, Turkyfoot lake rd, on Cottage Grove right on the northern edge of Green. We sold our house about 6 years ago and rent I got tired of taxes and maintenance. As far as hunting anything that requires a quick reaction time, I'm unable to do it for safety reasons. I've had a vestibular issue now for about 8 years and am constantly dizzy. I almost have to calculate every step I make, so I had to quit shotgunning and deer hunting. So now I take GH hunting a little more seriously since trying to hit a target that's not moving from a stationary position is more my speed now. Sounds like you have the ideal situation going for you? I just got back from the Wooster farm. They were bailing one of the smaller fields so I took the opportunity to try to walk the field to locate some holes. No luck, but I know they're out there!! We will have to get together sometime, if for nothing else than just swap stories. I would be looking forward to that. Let me know, sounds like fun.
Heck, I don't even think you're an hour away? I'm just off 619, Turkyfoot lake rd, on Cottage Grove right on the northern edge of Green. We sold our house about 6 years ago and rent I got tired of taxes and maintenance. As far as hunting anything that requires a quick reaction time, I'm unable to do it for safety reasons. I've had a vestibular issue now for about 8 years and am constantly dizzy. I almost have to calculate every step I make, so I had to quit shotgunning and deer hunting. So now I take GH hunting a little more seriously since trying to hit a target that's not moving from a stationary position is more my speed now. Sounds like you have the ideal situation going for you? I just got back from the Wooster farm. They were bailing one of the smaller fields so I took the opportunity to try to walk the field to locate some holes. No luck, but I know they're out there!! We will have to get together sometime, if for nothing else than just swap stories. I would be looking forward to that. Let me know, sounds like fun.
I'll send you my info, I can bring my atv and take you around and be your spotter.
Sounds like fun. They have 2 Kawasaki mules on the farm and occasionally I'll take one out if they're not using them? Though I do like to "try" to walk as much as I can. But I'm pretty **** slow !! I usually shoot from "sticks" and I do have a Bogpod tripod and a folding "turkey" blind seat I use, especially with my 22-250. It is a heavyweight, or maybe everything just seems heavier? All the sitting around has put a few pounds on me, I know that for sure! I'm unable to shoot prone anymore so I don't even own a bi-pod now. I gave them to my nephew. Getting old kinda' sucks!!
My heavy barrel 77 24" couldn't do any better than 2.5-3" groups at 100yds, before me bedding it was worse. I tried 20 and 25gr both were bad. I took it to my smith and had him chop the barrel back to 20" and 11 degree crown and now it groups the 20gr 6 shots at 100 I can cover 5.5 holes with a dime. I haven't gotten around to trying the 25's yet. The rifle was as new when I got it and I also see ruger no longer list a 24".
B23 just about covered it. I've been shooting the WSM for about 5-6 years?? I have 2 B-Mags, one heavy stainless with a Boyd's thumb-hole lightweight stock and one Light "pencil" barrel that I had Savage modify. They did a great job in tuning the barrel. It shoots almost identical to the bull barrel. I highly modified a Boyd's spike camp stock for it and made it even lighter! It plays hell with the groundhog population here in northeast Ohio. I seldom take shots beyond 200 yards with them, I use a 22-250 for that. But when I feel like walking around the farm, the "pencil" barrel is my go-to gun. It is amazing the difference between the HMR and WSM. The WSM "thumps" them and it's just lights out!! Also as a side note, when I first got the lightweight I remember waiting almost a year before I could get ammo!!
I've got a Savage B-Mag with heavy, stainless barrel and a Boyds and the receiver is seated in a tight bed of epoxy/glass. Got a Cabelas scope with the turret specific for the 25 grainer.

The gun can perform better than I can shoot it. I'm right at MOA on it, but my son can shoot a dime over and over again at 100 yards.

My baby loves, loves, loves the 25 grain variety.


Wow! They are beauties! I was looking to get one, and then I heard they quit making them. I did have a 17hmr by them that would blow up the extractor too often. High pressures and a thin case. I thought that may have been the reason I heard Volquartsen quit the WSM. I don't know all that for sure though. I do know they are fine rifles.
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