17 WSM Ammo 20 or 25 Grain?

WOW ! Wish I could shoot that good. I'm doing almost that good, but 5 shots at 50 yards! I did witness my son shoot a group at 200 yds. with his 17 HMR that went in an inch. Five shots. And his rig wasn't that impressive either. Just a good day at the range. But it was sweet to be with him when he did t!
This group shot was witnessed by the range ,Kelblys in Dalton Ohio, check them out ,a solid company known for building rifles for extreme accuracy. They ship worldwide, currently building rifles for some of Trumps sons. They don't work on cheap stuff like Savage ,however I know them well and they said before you get rid of it let us have it a few days. I bought the Boys hardwood laminate, forest camo stock, and threw the plastic savage in the trash,they free floated, did some bedding to the action, trigger I set at two lbs,she can shoot.Extreme coyote testing this winter, it will have some limitations, but we'll see what they are and stay within them.I can confidently crack a coyotes noggin at 200 yards.
I also had a fellow in Ohio re-bed my Ruger. Had to leave the business and was doing this in his off time from his new job. Great wood man. His checkering, as well as anything he did, was top notch. Did several guns for me.
I go through Ohio on my way to South Dakota, but way South of Dalton. We go up 35 to Dayton and West on I70. By leaving on a Sunday, we miss all the busy traffic and have a pleasant drive. Stop over in Waterloo and Monday is another fine day to drive out there. I'm now working with Jack Keister in Va. to do the #1. I hope to see it soon.
Never liked the 17 WSM. I had one and sold it and went back to a 17 HMR. The 17 HMR from my experience is more accurate than the WSM. At any event, when I used a 17 WSM, the 25s seemed to be the most accurate out of my Savage. You also touched on your post very limited bullets are available for the 17 WSM. The 17 HMR on the other hand has a bunch of different companies making ammo for it. Good luck.

One more thing: I see nothing a 17 WSM does that's needed in today's gun world. The 17 HMR or 22 magnum fit a role, and then if you want something bigger you might as well go up to a 17 or 22 hornet, or a 223 even. Again, that's my opinion. I feel like the cartridge wont be around in the future.
Patton243, you have some strong points. But you can take the idea of what is needed in today's gun world and argue that over half aren't needed. I passed need a long time ago; now I just want!
I had, and still have, a fine 17HMR, but it collects dust since I bought the WSM. I go prairie dog shooting each June and take four to five rifles in differing cal. ( including the WSM). Out of the four days last year, I shot only the WSM on two of those days; and with the others the other two. It reaches out and wallops! I can shoot up close too. Don't need to reload, (can't!). In the winds of the Dakotas, it still gets the job done at over 300 yds. I hope to extend it this June,too.
Never liked the 17 WSM. I had one and sold it and went back to a 17 HMR. The 17 HMR from my experience is more accurate than the WSM. At any event, when I used a 17 WSM, the 25s seemed to be the most accurate out of my Savage. You also touched on your post very limited bullets are available for the 17 WSM. The 17 HMR on the other hand has a bunch of different companies making ammo for it. Good luck.

One more thing: I see nothing a 17 WSM does that's needed in today's gun world. The 17 HMR or 22 magnum fit a role, and then if you want something bigger you might as well go up to a 17 or 22 hornet, or a 223 even. Again, that's my opinion. I feel like the cartridge wont be around in the future.
The cartridge will be here a long time, as for accuracy differences ,agree to a point, my re-worked wsm will go toe to toe any day, with the hmr and more range ,explosiveness, and knock down.I've got every caliber you've mentioned,The 17 is the most fun,with the 22 hornet and 204 neck and neck.Seen too many amateurs whack game with the hmr and it runs off.
That is a really impressive group! I generally shoot 3 shot groups. The biggest reason I suppose is the "pencil" barrel heats up so rapidly? I will shoot 5 shot groups occasionally with my 22-250, but there again the issue of barrel heating comes up. Especially since I run some pretty hot hand loads, IE 40 gr Barnes Varminator over 40.5 grs Hodgden CFE223 @ 4150fps according to my Chrony. Even though it's a bull barrel I don't want to "fry" the throat! But that is some pretty darn good "shootin"!! Keep it up!!!
That is a really impressive group! I generally shoot 3 shot groups. The biggest reason I suppose is the "pencil" barrel heats up so rapidly? I will shoot 5 shot groups occasionally with my 22-250, but there again the issue of barrel heating comes up. Especially since I run some pretty hot hand loads, IE 40 gr Barnes Varminator over 40.5 grs Hodgden CFE223 @ 4150fps according to my Chrony. Even though it's a bull barrel I don't want to "fry" the throat! But that is some pretty darn good "shootin"!! Keep it up!!!
Mine's a heavy barrel, never heated up, although it only took a half dozen shots to zero, then another 9 shots still no problem. This is not a target rifle ,unless the targets are alive. My Thompson center Venture,at 100 yards 4 shots ,Hornady 24 grain NTX,superformance.Just saying.


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Need to throw in a special note touching on what "Rock Jock" said. He has a good point! Savage rifles either shoot great out of the box or just plain miserable! I have run into a few "bad" ones but Savage is very good at rectifying those problems. I have never had to pay for any service from them, even on rifles have owned for 5-6 years. I'm not pushing the brand and if you can afford Ruger or CZ and the like go for it. I'm retired on a fixed income so Savage just makes sense for me. I would give the WSM another try. It far outperforms the HMR. Of all the chucks I have shot with the WSM 9 out of 10 dropped on the spot! I remember shooting so many chucks with the HMR and hearing the familiar plunk only to shoot again "plunk" and again "plunk" emptying a 5 round clip on my Savage 93 and watch them waddle back to their hole!
Mine's a heavy barrel, never heated up, although it only took a half dozen shots to zero, then another 9 shots still no problem. This is not a target rifle ,unless the targets are alive. My Thompson center Venture,at 100 yards 4 shots ,Hornady 24 grain NTX,superformance.Just saying.
I have an original "pencil" and a stainless bull, both great shooters. I think you must have a real steady hand? I'm 73 going on 30,( I wish) and a fairly good shot but your groups are pretty darn incredible! You must have learned to shoot in the Marines, they ain't no slouches!!!
I have an original "pencil" and a stainless bull, both great shooters. I think you must have a real steady hand? I'm 73 going on 30,( I wish) and a fairly good shot but your groups are pretty darn incredible! You must have learned to shoot in the Marines, they ain't no slouches!!!
No Marines,father was and taught me at age 5 how to shoot and make your shots count, I'm Law enforcement now 23 years and we practice regularly especially in these times.That and practice helps me along. Also remember those groups are all shot under ideal weather and benched down conditions, BUT still help you hit your targets in most cases. To sum it up simply practice usually helps up your ante.
No Marines,father was and taught me at age 5 how to shoot and make your shots count, I'm Law enforcement now 23 years and we practice regularly especially in these times.That and practice helps me along. Also remember those groups are all shot under ideal weather and benched down conditions, BUT still help you hit your targets in most cases. To sum it up simply practice usually helps up your ante.
I can appreciate that. I remember my first Marlin single shot 22. I was around 8 or so, raised on a farm here in Ohio. My Granddad would give 1 cartridge and I would go out and try to get dinner. If I got a rabbit or squirrel he would give me another cartridge plus one more for the next day. If I didn't score I got nothing till the next day.
I'm sure you had to have good training to qualify to be in law enforcement. I cannot believe how bad you people are being treated!! I've always had the most respect for all of you that we depend on every day for our way of life, including the military. I don't want to ever have to dial 911 and get a social worker!!!! That crowd is off the rails!!!!
I still hunt the farm I was raised on, but now I live 30 miles away in a residential area so I have to drive a little to get any practice at all.
I shoot my WSM's quite a bit and I also do some long-range shooting with my 22-250 every chance I get.
I have 2 Ruger WSM 17s and after bedding them they shoot right at .35MOA One is heavy long barrel the other is a light barrel! Had a savage
Never could get better than an inch and the actions and clips are junk!
I've had 2 HMRs and neither shot well with any ammo. I use 25gr ammo.
It's a lot of fun on PDs here in Wy if the wind is calm!
Cutter1, it's my favorite rifle / cal. In the PD towns in SD ! I Shoot 20s and they will reach way out there! You saw that I also have a ruger and full bedded.
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