140 gr 6.5mm Hybrid for hunting?

Sorry Rich, the hide never came off. These were crop damage tagged, so a quick field dress and donation. The shot was hard quartering and I put back far through the rear rib. The internal damage looked good, lungs were pretty torn up. If I get some time to go out soon I'll bring a camera and document performance a little better.

Thanks! Always good to get some forensics:D
I just saw this post even though it is old. I have been shooting animals with the 6.5 mm 140 g Berger Hybrid for 3 seasons now and have never had a bullet not perform.

I have shot a Coues deer in his bed at 340 yards which never stood up, a mature mule deer buck at 525, another at 340, and a third at 300. Lastly a cow elk at 275 yards. None of the animals went over 3 feet from where they were hit. The photo below is from my buddies buck that was shot right at 300 yards and was hit a low with the same 140 g Berger Hybrid. This buck still only went 5 to 10 yards before falling down dead. You can see the entrance and the exit hole in the photo and the internal organs were jello.

If this bullet will open up in a Coues deer and shred the internal organs, it should open up in about anything.

I would also note that the Gunwerks ammo is all loaded with the Hybrids, they swear by them and those boys kill a lot of animals....


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I saw a video on YouTube about annealing the tip of Berger VLD bullets to get better expansion at longer ranges. Has anyone tried that with the 6.5 hybrid? This could be a way to turn that target bullet into a fair hunting bullet. If I can ever find some of the hybrid 6.5's I may give it a go.

I've seen lots of short range kills with the hybrid but I don't know if it would expand well enough to kill at 800 yards. I've seen no stories of kills out that far.
I saw a video on YouTube about annealing the tip of Berger VLD bullets to get better expansion at longer ranges. Has anyone tried that with the 6.5 hybrid? This could be a way to turn that target bullet into a fair hunting bullet. If I can ever find some of the hybrid 6.5's I may give it a go.

I've seen lots of short range kills with the hybrid but I don't know if it would expand well enough to kill at 800 yards. I've seen no stories of kills out that far.

I don't know if they will expand at 800 without annealing or not, but I have no doubt that annealing will help. Also, I don't know what you are shooting them in so impact velocity will vary. I have a ceramic block with holes drilled in it that I put the bullets in so that just the last 1/8" is annealed. You have to be careful not to overheat and bubble the lead out of the tip. Keep the bullet upright until it cools.......Rich
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