Not really. Here is some older Lil'Gun and AA#9 10mm data I still have. While not the fastest of 10mm loads, it does show it does work. -
--Hornady 180 grain XTP bullets;
--New Starline brass;
--CCI 350 Magnum Pistol Primers.
--OAL to just under 1.26".
As a baseline, two strings of high-power Accurate #9 loads on the same day as the Lil'Gun loads. All strings were fired in the same pistol, Colt Delta Elite Gold Cup, 24 pound Wolf recoil spring, coupled with the original recoil spring plug, which incorporates a smaller, secondary spring. This Delta Elite does not have a fully-supported chamber.
Accurate #9, 15 grains
1)_1331.0_ -32.6 f
2)_1366.0_ 2.4
3)_1370.0_ 6.4
4)_1373.0_ 9.4
5)_1365.0_ 1.4
6)_1354.0_ -9.6
7)_1360.0_ -3.6
8)_1368.0_ 4.4
9)_1370.0_ 6.4
10)_1379.0_ 15.4
E.S.:_ 48.0
S.D.:_ 13.3
95%:_ ±10.0
Accurate #9, 15.5 grains
1)_1393.0_ -7.9
2)_1417.0_ 16.1
3)_1398.0_ -2.9
4)_1395.0_ -5.9
5)_1405.0_ 4.1
6)_1410.0_ 9.1
7)_1399.0_ -1.9
8)_1413.0_ 12.1
9)_1396.0_ -4.9
10)_1383.0_ -17.9
E.S.:_ 34.0
S.D.:_ 10.3
95%:_ ±7.8
Hodgdon Lil'Gun, 15 grains
_ 1)_1219.0_ -19.8
_ 2)_1217.0_ -21.8
_ 3)_1260.0_ 21.2
_ 4)_1256.0_ 17.2
_ 5)_1265.0_ 26.2
_ 6)_1247.0_ 8.2
_ 7)_1242.0_ 3.2
_ 8)_1224.0_ -14.8
_ 9)_1233.0_ -5.8
_ 10)_1225.0_ -13.8
__ High:_1265.0
__ Low:_1217.0
__ E.S.:_ 48.0
__ Ave.:_1238.8
__ S.D.:_ 17.7
__ 95%:_ ±13.4
Hodgdon Lil'Gun, 15.5 grains
_ 1)_1250.0_ -5.3
_ 2)_1254.0_ -1.3
_ 3)_1267.0_ 11.7
_ 4)_1227.0_ -28.3
_ 5)_1286.0_ 30.7
_ 6)_1272.0_ 16.7
_ 7)_1266.0_ 10.7
_ 8)_1216.0_ -39.3
_ 9)_1238.0_ -17.3
_ 10)_1277.0_ 21.7
__ High:_1286.0
__ Low:_1216.0
__ E.S.:_ 70.0
__ Ave.:_1255.3
__ S.D.:_ 22.7
__ 95%:_ ±17.1
Hodgdon Lil'Gun, 16 grains
_ 1)_1282.0_ -4.5
_ 2)_1314.0_ 27.5
_ 3)_1282.0_ -4.5
_ 4)_1285.0_ -1.5
_ 5)_1304.0_ 17.5
_ 6)_1298.0_ 11.5
_ 7)_1253.0_ -33.5
_ 8)_1268.0_ -18.5
_ 9)_1279.0_ -7.5
_ 10)_1300.0_ 13.5
__ High:_1314.0
__ Low:_1253.0
__ E.S.:_ 61.0
__ Ave.:_1286.5
__ S.D.:_ 18.1
__ 95%:_ ±13.7
Hodgdon Lil'Gun, 16.5 grains
_ 1)_1246.0_ -47.7
_ 2)_1323.0_ 29.3
_ 3)_1286.0_ -7.7
_ 4)_1310.0_ 16.3
_ 5)_1320.0_ 26.3
_ 6)_1297.0_ 3.3
_ 7)_1286.0_ -7.7
_ 8)_1282.0_ -11.7
_ 9)_1273.0_ -20.7
_ 10)_1314.0_ 20.3
__ High:_1323.0
__ Low:_1246.0
__ E.S.:_ 77.0
__ Ave.:_1293.7
__ S.D.:_ 24.0
__ 95%:_ ±18.1