100 yd zero hitting high at 200 yd

No offense intended but For as educated as you seem to be I would think that you would want to make sure you personally weren't misleading anyone into thinking that a bullet "rises" as there are a ton of new impressionable shooters here as of late, Obviously I was mistaken, Carry On
*for *obviously *carry *on

Just want to make sure we're sending the right message...... 🤣
Having some issues. My rifle- Bergara HMR.
300 Win Mag, 1-10 twist, 26" barrel. reloads, 185 gr Berger juggernauts, 80 grains H1000 powder. Fed mag primer. Chronograph at 3148 FPS.
problem- 100 yd zero, go to 200 yd and I'm hitting high 2". With same 100 yard zero .
SBC light ballistic app shows 1.02 MOA that would put me higher. At 300 yards if I go to ballistic app 2.75 MOA, I hit 2.5 inches high. What am I missing?
i shot at 200 yd with 100yd zero to see actual bullet stop trying to figure what I needed to do, instead got more confused.
Thanks for reading.
All the joking aside, how many shots have you fired? What is your group size?
Ok everyone up-date.
I found the 2 screws holding action to stock very loose. Did not notice this at range. Found this morning, called manufacturer and got torque value. Applied purple loc-tite, torqued screws. Extremely windy today so shooting will have to wait. Will keep updating with range results.
did not mean to get anyone's feathers ruffled. Thank you for your help. :)
This is the last we've heard from him. Hopefully he found his problem.
No offense intended but For as educated as you seem to be I would think that you would want to make sure you personally weren't misleading anyone into thinking that a bullet "rises" as there are a ton of new impressionable shooters here as of late, Obviously I was mistaken, Carry On

"Impressionalbe shooters" is as good a reason as any to hijack a thread. I just hope they know the difference in farther and further. Maybe we should have a thread teaching "impressionalbe shooters" scopes are not 3X9X40. They are 3-9X40.

As for my education I received a G.E.D when I was fifty-one years old. It was such a long time since I was in school therefore I thought I should take a pretest to discover the areas in which subjects I perhaps was deficient. A pleasant young lady about twenty-five started the group at 6PM in a booklet like an SAT test. She informed us she would tell us when to stop. At 6:40 another young lady came in. I was obviously the oldest in the class by a large margin. She walked to my table and tersely asked, "What are you doing?" "I'm taking the pretest to see where I need attention." She snatched up my test and acrimoniously continued, "What time did you start?" "At 6PM," I responded. "NO you didn't!" she snapped. By then the pleasant lady was there. The grouchy lady asked her, "What time did you start this man?" "At 6PM," she informed. The PMS lady threw down my test and retorted, "You don't need to be here. You're getting them all right and you're on the third test!" I picked it up and noticed bold lettered words "STOP" at the bottom every couple pages or so. So much for being educated.


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This has been a very entertaining (and informative) thread. As usual...my LRH family did not disappoint 😇. I hope the OP has ferreted out his 'issue' as well as reaped the benefits of a good 'ole *average* 😉 family discussion. Looks like he's got about 3 days worth to catch up on..🤣😂
Warning! This thread is more than 4 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.