Primer Powder Question


Active Member
Jul 25, 2008
Central Minnesota
I have an MGM smokeless rated barrel in an Encore, FYI.

My load is 92.0 BH 209 with a Fed 215M primer. I see a lot of you guys shooting around 88 grains. I'd like to do a little load work, and try a couple new loads. I thought I'd check with you guys and see if y'all see any problems.

I'd like to try 86gr, 88gr, and 90gr of BH209, with a [FED 210M] primer. Would/should there be a problem with using this primer? Thanks ahead of time.
What does MGM recommend for the max load of BH209 from that barrel?

I'm shooting a Remington 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader and a hefty charge of BH209, all lit by a F215GMM primer.

Personally, I would be cautious using the F210 primer. BH209 is hard to ignite, and in my opinion, needs the F215 primer.
Thanks for the reply. I called the boys at Arrowhead Rifles, and they said no problem. I probably wouldn't notice a difference.

I have a whole brick of CCI Magnums, so when the Fed's run out, I'll just switch over to them. I just was wondering if I would have ignition problems.

So, the CCI is middle of the road for pressure, but highest SD of the 3 I can use. Without actually having done load work with all 3...can you give me your personal thoughts about how the load might turn out...or act... by what the chart is telling us? Thanks Encore,
I agree with Luke. You likely won't notice any difference. I will say that back when I was using 209 primers, I had a slight change in the POI between CCI209M and the Fed 209A's.
I use exclusively the 215M Match. I would not hesitate to shoot any of the other magnum primers though.

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