25 Creedmoor question

Sweet looking rig. I have a 25creed and 25PRC with unknown reamer, I'll have to ask my GSmith.My good friend has both cartridges and uses the BJ reamer for both. Both his guns shoot same bullet same powder charge substantially faster than mine. Mine pressures out much sooner unfortunately. I have 57.5g N565 getting the 134 to 3020-3040. Cci200. Also , H1000 at 57 had pressure with Magnum primer @ 3070

The first 300rds down the barrel were with Berger 135 58g H1000 virgin Hornady brass. Zero signs of pressure.
This must be the 25prc info?
My 25 CM was chambered with the Blackjack reamer. Not sure what version though. Had it chambered by Southern Precision and I don't have to turn necks with Peterson Brass.

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