190 A-Tip on game performance?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
Looking for real world experience, or links to other sites with on-game reports or ballistics gel performance.

For those screaming "You should use a hunting bullet!" at their screens, pipe down. Bergers were target bullets until they weren't.

I hunt deer in wide open country, so I don't need a bullet that will pass end to end through a hippopotamus at 30 yards.

I don't have much experience, and have only seen 4 deer killed in person. 2 were DRT with 30 cal 178 AMAX and 208 ELDM from a 300WM. One was a "run away" with a perfect shot with a 200 gr Game King from a 300 Win Mag at 350 yards that required a bit of chasing and a second shot to put him down, and one was a fluke DRT, but with a 150 gr Accubond LR from a measly 7mm-08 that grenaded in the neck meat of a deer at 400 yards, and penetrated less than 6 inches.

So...In my experience, I can't even imagine why anyone would hunt with a hunting bullet. They fail 100% of the time, while target bullets are 100% effective...(I kid, but hopefully you get my point)...

Anyway, please share any links, resources, personal experience, etc that you have on the 0.284 190 A-Tip on game.
For those screaming "You should use a hunting bullet!" at their screens, pipe down. Bergers were target bullets until they weren't.
LOL! I am glad you opened with this statement. I have used plenty of target bullets with excellent success. It's not 190, but I have some A-Tips and similar ones to try, but I have not loaded any yet. A friend harvested a bull elk with 110 A-Tip out of his 6MM CM at 500 yards, IIRC. Hopefully, you'll yield plenty of information you seek and the naysayers to stay away. Good luck, and happy safe hunting!

Here we go again! I used to shoot the 190 vld from the 300 WM with mixed success shooting game. If you can keep eyes on the animal you should be fine BUTTTT if you don't well let's just say the shot better be pretty much money. I know I'll get plenty of flack but in my experience over 40 something years of big game hunting if you shoot the grenades at long range especially on elk size game stay off the shoulder!!
I dare anyone to use the ELDM bullets on deer size game and not be completely satisfied with the performance and outcome. Think outside the box just once if your doubtful about using match bullets for deer size game. I know there are those that absolutely won't do it but if your on the fence, do yourself a favor and try them. They are all I use in most of my hunting rifles that I hunt deer with.