190 A-Tip on game performance?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
Looking for real world experience, or links to other sites with on-game reports or ballistics gel performance.

For those screaming "You should use a hunting bullet!" at their screens, pipe down. Bergers were target bullets until they weren't.

I hunt deer in wide open country, so I don't need a bullet that will pass end to end through a hippopotamus at 30 yards.

I don't have much experience, and have only seen 4 deer killed in person. 2 were DRT with 30 cal 178 AMAX and 208 ELDM from a 300WM. One was a "run away" with a perfect shot with a 200 gr Game King from a 300 Win Mag at 350 yards that required a bit of chasing and a second shot to put him down, and one was a fluke DRT, but with a 150 gr Accubond LR from a measly 7mm-08 that grenaded in the neck meat of a deer at 400 yards, and penetrated less than 6 inches.

So...In my experience, I can't even imagine why anyone would hunt with a hunting bullet. They fail 100% of the time, while target bullets are 100% effective...(I kid, but hopefully you get my point)...

Anyway, please share any links, resources, personal experience, etc that you have on the 0.284 190 A-Tip on game.

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