Amp annealer headaches?

My dad got headaches as well from the AMP annealer. I personally do not I just hate the the smell of hot brass and I think like most things in life people just get different affects. So simple fix is put a fan near by sucking air out a window and problem solved. Or a painters respirator is another option as well if you don't have access to a window
Well what did you use before the amp annealer? Did you ever notice the same effects? Have you started using or storing different chemical lately in the reloading room? If not box that thing up and ship it to me…. I'll swap it for my ugly annealer….But seriously sometimes we forget that other factors have changed our environment. Migraines are no joke and we are supposed to be having fun.
You're likely within what is called the "near field" at wavelength/2Pi or lower. There are two types of fields. Electric (high impedance) and magnetic (low impedance). Electric fields are easy to shield and magnetic fields are not. Your high current and low impedance situation for induction would be a magnetic field. The magnetic field drops off at a fast rate of either 1/r^2 or 1/r^3, depending on if you're looking at power or induced voltage. Lets say power for 1/r^2. As a crude example, if you were to measure 1 watt at 1 foot away from the induction element, you would drop to 1/100 watts at 10 feet. Significant.
I would suggest repeating your tests outside to see if it (likely) a fume/outgassing issue, and then bring it inside and see if you can rig up a way to push that anneal button from a distance. Your only radiation issue should be when that light turns red.
Let us know what you find out!
So I thought it might have been the fumes from using fired cases... Which is why I switched to cleaning them beforehand. Still feel the effects...Ive noticed that after I'm done with my batch of cases within 15-20 minutes I'm back to normal. I'm certain it's not a smell that's getting me but who knows I could be wrong. Amp knocked it out of the park with these things and I'm not trying to bash them at all. I love mine and I'm definitely not scared of emf...just was curious if it was just me or placebo effect. For sh*ts and giggles I was looking on Amazon and seen different products such as stick on mats that a guy could cover the unit with to block emf emission. Im curious how a guy could actually measure the emissions and if it is even feasible to block it
The AMP annealer has a steel case that covers the unit, that is grounded. That is a faraday cage isn't it?
A good friend of mine pointed out to me he was getting "headaches" while using his amp annealer. After our conversation I paid attention the next time I used mine and noticed I also didn't feel "right" while using mine. Seems almost like a brain fog or slight headache...came on after about 30 a test I cleaned brass in my wet tumbler before annealing the next make sure it wasn't the smell of carbon cooking that was doing it. I have noticed in subsequent sessions that when I'm annealing big cases with higher Aztec numbers the head fog comes sooner and more intense than when doing my 6xc cases...after about 20 minutes of being done I'm back to normal. I'm not for sure if it's I'm more sensitive to things (I get back ocular migraines and I've had 8 documented concussions...old pro Motocrossed)
I use mine in the garage with a fan, crossed vents, I detect a whisp of heat but the fan is a must I believe.
I'm guessing some people more sensitive to the machine. Worked in a pulp mill for many years and we had a degreaser they tried that mixed with water and was sprayed onto equipment as a foam. One of the guys there got a serious migraine and was off for a couple days and it happened more than once until we wouldn't let him use it. No one else got headaches. He just had to smell it and he got a headache.
I will say i do anneal my 6gt in batches of about 400 and my 300 PRC in batches of about 100. I never feel funny. I will say i do anneal with a lot of air movement and my annealer is above head with my reloading set up. I did used to feel something standing over my gas anneal but huffing propane is the obvious cause there.

I hate to say it but it might be all in your head.

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